




1.同义密码子一)(一)名词解释 1.密码子(codon) 2.反义密码子(synonymous codon) 3.反密码子(anticodon) 4.变偶假说(wobble hypothesis) 5…


1.Replacement consecutive AGG codons in the cDNA of cardiac troponin with the synonymous codon and its GST fusion expression心肌肌钙蛋白基因中连续AGG的同义替换与GST融合表达

2.The Relationship Between the Gene Expression Level of Classical Swine Fever Virus and the Synonymous Codon Usage猪瘟病毒基因表达水平与同义密码子使用频率的关系

3.Comparison and Analysis of Synonymous Codon Repeat Sequences in Different Genomes不同基因组中同义密码子重复序列的分析与比较

4.Relations between synonymous codon usage and protein structure同义密码子用语与蛋白质二级结构信息

5.Preference Context of Synonymous Codon and Amino Acid in the Protein Secondary Structure蛋白质二级结构中同义密码子与氨基酸上下文关联的偏好型

6.Analysis of factors shaping synonymous codon usage in pseudorabies virus影响伪狂犬病病毒同义密码子用法特点的因素分析

7.Correlation between Synonymous Codon Usage and the Amino Acid Sequence Contexts同义密码子用语与氨基酸序列上下文的关联

8.The Factors Shaping Synonymous Codon Usage in the Genome of Burkholderia mallei影响鼻疽伯克霍尔德氏菌基因组密码子用法的因素分析

9.Site discrepancy of synonymous codon usage in SARS coronavirus and other viruses in CoronaviridaeSARS及其他几种冠状病毒密码子使用偏性的位点差异

10.Synonymous Codon Bias of NBS-LRR Gene Family in Rice and Arabidopsis水稻和拟南芥NBS-LRR基因家族同义密码子使用偏好的比较