


n. 学习

1.翻译:学习, 学术


名词 academic:

an educator who works at a college or university

同义词:academician, academic, faculty member


1. The Hong Kong Convention Ambassador Programme,launched in 1994,now has some 800 top business leaders,professionals and academics from a wide variety of fields.


2. In 2005, two current UWA academics are Nobel Prize Winners.


3. FORTY years ago this month American academics sent the first message over the ARPANET, a military network that was the precursor of today's internet.


4. June 10, Monday male" Miemen case, "chief instigator academics in Zhangjiakou in Hebei.


5. This awareness has led to a cultural resurge in the late 1990s when historical city protection was upheld as the mainstream discipline in academics.


6. Q9: What about Chinese academics then? In the classroom, do they regularly need to self-censor? And what is the yardstick for that?


7. The CDG is a small group of UK academics working in the field of density functional theory and electronic structure calculations.


8. "What sort of standards do you apply?Do you fail all of them?"And Prof Smithers says it is difficult for academics to protest.


9. One California judge bemoaned the use of such witnesses by candidly calling them the beneficiaries of “a welfare system for academics.

” 一个加利福尼亚州法官坦白地称他们为“学术福利制度”的受益者,并哀叹专家证人的使用。

10. A team of British academics has developed a mathematical formula to determine just how perfect your posterior is.


11. This demand, say some Chinese academics, will impede government efforts to eradicate the villages.


12. Some Chinese academics say the low quality of research reflects not just the growing pains of a rapidly expanding system but is a direct result of political meddling.


13. Some height school student claimed that to much academics works almost robbed them of their pare time and amusement.


14. Some academics fret that the secret aim is to privatise universities.


15. Two academics from Shanghai Jiao Tong will be based at the Confucius Institute at UNSW.


16. Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe.


17. It is valued for spending time no matter where you go, visiting history, racial or academics.


18. The good news is that this is starting to change, thanks to the efforts of a new breed of academics, consultants and technologists.


19. The task force will shortly meet with the Legislative Council, District Councils, the legal sector, academics and other sectors.


20. In order to secure the rash of deals, CNPC was offering to pay prices that effectively doubled the market value of assets on offer, industry executives and academics said.


21. Two academics who had studied, or taught, at the University of Chicago, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, developed a theory of option pricing.


22. I was drawn to write about rohan gold due to my perception that it's a significant phenomenon that academics and development organisations are unaware.


23. The flows of students and academics in both directions have contributed significantly to the development of our economies and our culture.


24. To abide by rules, he abandoned his style. of abstracts in favor of that of academics abroad.


25. Have the initiative development academics and the health department ophthalmology clinical pharmacology base for province section Wei in Fukien.


26. Human rights groups and academics have petitioned China's government to release Xu.


27. They may attend classes for only a period a day,towork atrictly on English skills,or attend for a full day and lo-cus both on academics and English.


28. Denning believes that one reason for this is that academics in our field are not practicing their profession.


29. He struggles to interact with people his own age, despite being a classroom comedian, and prefers the company of academics.


30. The bears quoted above are all academics or strategists who can afford to take a detached view when the markets move against them.


31. Three academics at the London Business School devised portfolios consisting of stocks that had outperformed over a 12-month period.


32. Why Are the Pseudo Academics Praised by the Mass Media to the Sky?


33. But some academics now think it is possible to make cheap, knock-off versions of these expensive originals.


34. But there is still a sense of triumphalism among Chinese business leaders, politicians and academics.


35. But many members of the legal community argue that despite these precedents, the exception for academics was always very narrow.


36. But many Chinese academics and other experts believe that,without changes to government,China may be unable to deliver on its WTO promises.


37. However, there are some academics it application, apply the hotfix in the social sciences in management science, I don't see how this effort.


38. But, some academics pointed out, the Darfur conflict is more of a conflict between haves (farmers with land) and have-nots (herders with none), than it is a clash between races.


39. But OCLC's control passed from librarians and academics to business people (its senior executive comes from consulting firm Deloitte &Touche).


40. But some academics believed this was just the tip of the iceberg.


41. Allowing academics to rummage in secret files presents problems both for the spooks and the academics.


42. It's a question that has baffled scientists, academics and pub bores through the ages: What came first, the chicken or the egg?


43. Wild Strawberries, academics, and NGOs hold a rally at Liberty Square, with a mass sit-in, seminars, and skits.


44. Under the globalization, the marginalization of individual local city has been paid more and more attention by academics and governments at each level.


45. About Palmerston and his liberalism political practice, our country few academics referred, more research was about Palmerston"s foreign policies.


46. Andrea has been teaching academics to younger students for four years, and has been a swimming instructor for 11 years.


47. The military takeover is the culmination of months of pressure, notably from academics and Bangkok's middle classes, on Mr Thaksin to go.


48. Until the early'90s,Internet technology was mainly used by governments,academics and technologists.


49. Academics at the University of Toronto in Canada say their study proves the fair maiden of myth has a basis in scientific reality.


50. In recent years, units recidivism has became the New Thread in Academics.


51. Companies or academics involved in ICT Trust, security and dependability.


52. The other paper, by the Warwick Commission, a group of academics and experts on finance from around the world, advocates specific reforms**.


53. They tend to occur where there is fertile space for academics from diverse disciplines to explore as well as connect and collaborate with each other.


54. It was the "much-hyped" solution bandied about by the well-meaning academics and Africa specialists who briefed him before he went abroad.


55. Likewise, the incredibly perfect sales pitches of many American academics are too contrived.


56. Andrew Campbell and Michael Goold, two British academics, define it as “links between business units that result in additional value creation”.


57. Recommended by the people to Beijing to teach boxing, Qing Wang, Baylor from many academics, he served as martial arts teachers business days.


58. There does not appear to be a clear consensus among the coterie of top academics in Beijing who advise various offices of government on policy.


59. The findings add a gender dimension to the intense debate among business school academics about the adequacy and effectiveness of management education.


60. That is because we are competing with academics brought up in the Western tradition, who are good at projecting their fortes to the fullest.


61. Academics and advocates debate the true cost of wind and solar power.


62. Googol Technology Limited was founded in 1999 by a group of renowned experts, academics and professionals in motion control, and microelectronics.


63. In their time,they were better known as academics that storytellers.


64. In another country, I don't use abstract language in general while communicating with academics, and try not to accentuate every word.


65. In what is billed as the first study of its kind, two academics atz a British university found there is no short cut to true love.


66. I feel very inadequate standing before these distinguished scientists and academics because I really must confess I am not a good engineer.


67. Regarding academics, in addition to excelling in school, you also need to take the SAT exams and pursue independent projects, such as research.


68. With the help of academics, financiers started to unpick the various components of risk and trade them separately.


69. On the base of analyzing the connotation of "three quotients",the article explores academics' abilities needed in raising creative talents.


70. Millions of Americans have a very high opinion of Bush, but in another large segment of the population, one including many reporters and academics, he is roundly loathed.


71. In many countries academics provide private tutoring to boost their income.


72. Beyond academics, Sadie is someone with a strong sense of social responsibility.


73. Financial academics have spent much of the past 30 years poking holes in the “efficient market hypothesis”.


74. The city also has a thriving Asian community, and the sight of women in saris is as common in Oxford's streets as academics in gowns and mortarboards.


75. Some business school academics, such as Professor Henry Mintzberg, believe the opposite.


76. If two academics have the same idea, one of them is redundant!


77. Its membership includes academics,practising lawyers and prominent community members.


78. Its membership includes academics, practising lawyers and prominent community members.


79. It comprises non-local academics, local academics and local professionals and businessmen.


80. The author of four previous books and numerous articles for magazines, Weisman traveled to interview academics, scientists and other authorities.
