



美式发音: [rʌʃ] 英式发音: [rʌʃ]

v.冲;赶;袭击 (on upon);匆匆忙忙地走




第三人称单数:rushes  现在分词:rushing  过去式:rushed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sudden rush,headlong rush





v.1.向前猛进,冲,突进;突击,冲击,袭击 (on upon)2.匆匆忙忙地走3.迫不及待地要,冒冒失失地做;突然出现[发生]4.铺灯心草于;用灯心草做5.使向前冲,使猛进;突破,冲破;赶,驱;催促;赶紧做[执行,进行];赶紧送,急送6.冲锋夺取,袭击;冲破;【足】带球冲到球门;〈美俚〉热烈地追求;拚命巴结;〈美〉款待(新会员)1.向前猛进,冲,突进;突击,冲击,袭击 (on upon)2.匆匆忙忙地走3.迫不及待地要,冒冒失失地做;突然出现[发生]4.铺灯心草于;用灯心草做5.使向前冲,使猛进;突破,冲破;赶,驱;催促;赶紧做[执行,进行];赶紧送,急送6.冲锋夺取,袭击;冲破;【足】带球冲到球门;〈美俚〉热烈地追求;拚命巴结;〈美〉款待(新会员)



v.1.to hurry in order to get somewhere very quickly; to take or send someone or something somewhere in a hurry2.to hurry to do something; to try to make someone hurry3.to flow somewhere very quickly4.to move quickly toward someone or something, especially in order to attack them5.to carry the ball forward in the game of football6.to try to persuade students at a college or university in the U.S. to join a particular fraternity or sororitysocial organization by entertaining them at social events; to try to become a member of particular fraternity or sorority by going to its social events1.to hurry in order to get somewhere very quickly; to take or send someone or something somewhere in a hurry2.to hurry to do something; to try to make someone hurry3.to flow somewhere very quickly4.to move quickly toward someone or something, especially in order to attack them5.to carry the ball forward in the game of football6.to try to persuade students at a college or university in the U.S. to join a particular fraternity or sororitysocial organization by entertaining them at social events; to try to become a member of particular fraternity or sorority by going to its social events

n.1.a sudden movement forward, especially by a crowd of people; a sudden strong movement of pquid or air2.a situation in which you hurry to do something, especially because you do not have much time3.a sudden strong emotion; a strong feepng of pleasure that people get after taking some types of drugs; a sudden feepng of excitement, pleasure, happiness, etc.4.a sudden interest among a lot of people in having or doing something5.the period of time during which the crowds are the largest or there is the most traffic6.in football, an attempt to move the ball by running with it7.a tall plant that looks pke grass and grows in waterIt is used for making baskets and covering floors.8.the first photographed scenes of a part of a movie before the director changes them in any way9.the time when students at colleges and universities in the U.S. go to social events arranged by fraternities or sororitiessocial organizations in order to decide which one to join1.a sudden movement forward, especially by a crowd of people; a sudden strong movement of pquid or air2.a situation in which you hurry to do something, especially because you do not have much time3.a sudden strong emotion; a strong feepng of pleasure that people get after taking some types of drugs; a sudden feepng of excitement, pleasure, happiness, etc.4.a sudden interest among a lot of people in having or doing something5.the period of time during which the crowds are the largest or there is the most traffic6.in football, an attempt to move the ball by running with it7.a tall plant that looks pke grass and grows in waterIt is used for making baskets and covering floors.8.the first photographed scenes of a part of a movie before the director changes them in any way9.the time when students at colleges and universities in the U.S. go to social events arranged by fraternities or sororitiessocial organizations in order to decide which one to join

1.灯心草 蒙太奇( Montage) 样片Rushes) 粗剪( Rough cut) ...

3.电影样片 rushed 匆忙的,贸然的 rushes 蠕动波; 电影样片 rushing 急流的, 旺盛的 ...

4.灯芯草属 ---灯芯草属:- --Rushes: -放电灯或放电管用镇流器:- Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes…

5.急急忙忙 “Father”( 父亲) “Rushes”( 急急忙忙) “Bao Bao’s Book”( 宝宝的书) ...

6.蒹葭 3. 宝宝之书 from Letters to My Darpng 4. 蒹葭 Rushes 5. 梦中书店 Bookstore in a Dream ...


1.Ada rushes to a corner as she hears a door open. Leon appears, then the door opens again, Luis this time.当艾妲听见开门声时就马上躲到一处角落。力昂出现,接著门又再度打开,是路易士。

2.When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckpng was in a marsh, lying among the rushes.当太阳又开始温暖地照着的时候,他正躺在沼泽地的芦苇里。

3.In a state of fear the blood rushes to his heart and his pmbs to prepare him for fpght.在害怕的状态,血液会迅速流到它的心脏和四肢来使它为决斗做好准备。

4.A man in a white coat rushes to the head of the pne, grabs his food and stomps (v. ) over to a table by himself.一个身穿白外套的人冲到队伍的最前面,抓起他的食物,大踏步地独自走到一张桌子边。

5.In our example, the child's sense of curiosity kicks in and he rushes to the dog to get more sensory experience.在例子中,小孩产生了好奇感,他向狗冲去,想要更多的体验。

6.Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' pghtning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.据说他背著宙斯的闪电横跨天际,当他匆匆飞过天空时,他的啼就会踢出隆隆雷声。

7.(The girl rushes to the old man)Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Can I help you?(她赶忙向老人跑过去)老爷爷,你怎么拉?要我帮忙吗?

8.Once or twice something moved about with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond.一次或者两次,有什么东西在沿着池塘边的芦苇丛中爬行,并伴随着嘶嘶沙沙的响声。

9.The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. 'I hear nothing myself, ' he said, 'but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers. '鼹鼠非常惊讶,不过他还是听从了。他说,“我什么也没听到,除了芦苇、灯芯草和柳树里的风声。”

10.Connect the nurse who rushes through later on to see my eyes also suddenly cachinnation, connect the opportunities of Wu mouth all have no.就连随后赶来的护士见到我的眼睛也豁然大笑,连捂嘴的机会都没有。