


美式发音: [ˈdɑmɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈdɒmɪsaɪl]




复数:domiciles  同义词




1.(尤指正式或法律意义的)住处,住所,定居地the place where sb pves, especially when it is stated for official or legal purposes



n.1.someones home

1.住所 公民 citizen 住所 domicile 居所 residence ...

2.户籍 resident n. 居民 domicile n. 户籍 local a. 当地的,本地的 ...

3.本籍 domestic rental index 住宅楼宇租金指数 domicile 注册地;本籍 donation 捐款;捐献;捐赠 ...

4.住处 automobile 汽车 domicile 住宅,住处 servipty 奴性,卑屈 ...

5.家 predominant 主导的, domicile , domination 统治权,管辖权。 ...

6.原籍 resident 居民,居住者 domicile (法律)原籍 sound 听起来 ...

7.定居 (incredible 可信的), (domicile 定居), (initiate 开始), ...

8.注册地 domestic rental index 住宅楼宇租金指数 domicile 注册地;本籍 donation 捐款;捐献;捐赠 ...


1.Ferguson said the bank does not intend to move its domicile away from London right now, although the issue was being "kept under review. "Ferguson称渣打银行目前不会将注册地迁出伦敦,不过该方案正在“讨论中”。

2.License should be laid up in an eye-catching place of the company's domicile or of the business premises of the branch.《企业法人营业执照》正本或者《营业执照》正本应当置于公司住所或者分公司营业场所的醒目位置。

3.The meeting of the Board of Commissioners is convened at the domicile of the Company or the place of the business activities of the Company.监事会议应在公司处所或公司开展商业活动的地点召开。

4.DotComGuy's home is a two-story domicile, there is nothing but a laptop computer and an Internet connection.层小楼,屋子里除了膝上电脑和上网设备外别无其他。

5.In the case of assignment of registered bonds, the company shall record the assignee's name and domicile on the record of bondholders.记名债券的转让,由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于公司债券存根簿。

6.The company's domicile should be within the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority.公司的住所应当在其公司登记机关辖区内。

7.A company can only have one domicile which has been registered by the company registration authority.经公司登记机关登记的公司的住所只能有一个。

8.or that party suffers the appointment of any equivalent person under the laws of its domicile or place of incorporation.以及此政党汇票支付处或法人组织公司与任何一位法律保护下的公民立约。

9.The Bank may however bring action in any competent court at the domicile of the other parties.但是银行可以在其他第三方所在地的任何管辖法院提请诉讼。

10.the place of payment , if not specified on a bill , shall be the business premises , domicile or habitual residence of the payer.汇票上未记载付款地的,付款人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为付款地。