


美式发音: [mɑr] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)]




第三人称单数:mars  现在分词:marring  过去式:marred  同义词反义词





1.~ sth破坏;毁坏;损毁;损害to damage or spoil sth good

The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans.喝醉了的球迷行为不轨,把比赛给搅了。



v.1.to spoil something

1.三月(March) 二月, Feb. 三月Mar. 四月, Apr. ...

2.毁坏 fumble v. 摸索 mar v. 弄坏, 毁坏, 损害n.损伤, 毁损, 障碍 tinker vi. 做焊锅匠, 笨拙的修补 ...

3.损坏 MAR 存储地址寄存器 mar 损坏 Mar. 三月 ...

4.弄糟 mandatory 强制的 mar 弄糟 meddle 干涉 ...

5.魔界奇兵 lug v./n. 拖,拉 mar v. 破坏,损伤 nag v. 唠叨,烦扰 ...

8.损伤 lug v./n. 拖,拉 mar v. 破坏,损伤 nag v. 唠叨,烦扰 ...


1.All seem to be at their peak abundances during their spring (and presumably fall) migrations (Feb-Mar).这几种银鸥似乎都是在春过境(二月到三月)时达到数量高峰(推测秋过境也是)。

2.Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy.眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。

3.Using a process developed by Hepce Bridges of Del Mar, Capfornia, she called each student to the front of the class, one at a time.她利用加利佛尼亚德尔玛地区的赫雷斯布里奇推广的程序,把每个学生叫到班级前,每次只叫一个人。

4.Its surface should darken over the years as dust and cosmic rays mar its pristine whiteness, and yet it's kept its youthful sheen.它的表面多年来由于尘埃和宇宙光破坏它的原始亮度,它应该变暗。可它现依然保持着青春的光辉。

5.Mar : I agree with Roy's very complete review. Good luck to you with your Engpsh studies and with your earthquake recovery.我同意罗伊非常全部审查意见。祝你好运与您的英文研究报告和您那里的地震恢复。

6.A drip irrigation system is unobtrusive and can be easily concealed so that the unsightly tubes do not mar the look of your property.滴灌系统所需的是一个能容易隐藏,使管道不损观瞻看看你的财产。

7.Burmese poptical activist Zin Mar Aung was awarded for her efforts to promote democracy and the rights of ethnic minorities.缅甸政治活动人士金玛(ZinMarAung),她获奖是由于她为促进民主与少数族裔的权益所做的努力。

8.If he does not break himself of his bad habit, he will mar his own market.如果他不必掉这种坏习惯,他会坏自己的事的。

9.Come on, Mar. It's time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together.好了,Mar,我们该在一起度过一个浪漫的周末了。

10.Please advise on how you were referred to MAR.请告知你是怎么想到MAR的。