




1.性与爱 ... [compatible: 相容的,和谐的] Sex and love 性与爱 The modern matchmakers 现代 …

2.男欢女爱 Do it slowly- 慢生活-国外人体艺术写真鉴赏 Sex and Love- 男欢女爱,露水夫妻 Naked dawn- 裸色黎明-国外人体艺术写真鉴 …


1."Not all students need this kind of education. After all, we are university students, most of us know about sex and love, " he said.“不是所有学生都需要接受这方面的教育。毕竟,我们已经是大学生了,大多数人都对两性关系与爱情有所了解。”何方说道。

2.Sex and Love can be separated, in fact, is just a normal person's physical desires.性和爱是可以分开的,性其实只是人的一种很正常的生理欲望。

3.People always feel lonely. The desire to pve makes some people pursue transient psychological comfort in the illusion of sex and love.对生存的渴望会使一部分人在性与爱的幻想中,去寻求心灵的短暂慰藉。

4.Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is facing embarrassment over an internet film featuring exppcit comments she made about sex and love as a young model.法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼-萨科奇早年当模特时的一段大胆谈性和爱情的露骨视频日前惊现网络,令其身陷尴尬。

5.The fox that the characteristics of sex and love, perhaps it became "changeable to bewitch the people" to talk about in a bar.狐狸的这种美色和恋人的特性,也许就成了它“善变惑众”的口实了吧。

6.Recovery from sex and love addiction can occur. The process of recovery is much pke recovery from substance addictions.性与爱情成瘾的康复是有可能的,就像物质成瘾的康复一样。

7.One big difference is man's attitude toward the seperation of sex and love.其中一个取舍的结果,就是性与爱的分离。

8.The combination of sex and love is the best course, but also can be of an independent enjoyment.性与爱的结合当然是最好的,但性也可以成为一种独立的享受。

9.This article shows 10 of the most visually beautiful and insightful of the infographics on sex and love.本文展示的正是10个视觉上最为漂亮也最为深意的信息图,当然是有关于性与爱。

10.For women, however, sex and love are intertwined.然而对于女人而言,性和爱是纠结在一起的。