



n. 巴士底狱, 监狱, 拘留所


The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.


A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.



城堡; 牢狱




tower   bastillebastilleD.J.:[bæˈsti:l]K.K.:[bæˈstil]n.
1.翻译:监狱, 堡塔


名词 bastille:

a fortress built in Paris in the 14th century and used as a prison in the 17th and 18th centuries; it was destroyed July 14, 1789 at the start of the French Revolution

a jail or prison (especially one that is run in a tyrannical manner)


1. Should Bastille ensure inetd's ident service does not run on this system?

(Bastille 是否应确认 inetd 的 ident 服务不会在此系统上执行?

2. On July 14,1789,a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille,killing the guards.


3. On July 12,1789,the Bastille fell, and with it England plunged into controversy over the French Revolution, a tumult that produced England's best sociopolitical writing in 150 years.


4. July 14, 1789, Paris, a symbol of the feudal rule of the people captured the Bastille, overthrew the monarchy regime.


5. 1789 - French Revolution: Citizens of Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners.


6. French Revolution: Citizens of Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners.


7. In 1791, tore down the people of Paris Bastille, in its built on the former site of the Bastille Square and removed the stone to the shop to Concord Bridge Seine’s for trampling on passers-by.


8. An Indian army regiment marches on the Champs Elysees during the annual Bastille Day parade in Paris July 14, 2009.


9. Bastille Day

n. 攻占巴士底狱纪念日(法国节日)

10. “They want to storm the Bastille, not live in Versailles.


11. "You did good service at the taking of the Bastille, citizen?"


12. "I, Alexandre Manette, unfortunate physician, native of Beauvais, and afterwards resident in Paris, write this melancholy paper in my doleful cell in the Bastille, during the last month of the year, 1767.

“我,不幸的医生亚历山大 - 曼内特,波维市人,后居巴黎,于一七六七年最后一个月在巴士底狱凄凉的牢房里写下这份悲惨的记录。

13. The day ended with street parties. Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens.


14. 7. The day ended with street parties. Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens.


15. The next logo was for Bastille Day, which is the first logo I did from scratch.


16. If another opinion poll is to be believed, two-thirds of French people believe President Chirac's Bastille Day speech is of no importance.


17. For this occasion, the 10-man band shares the pit of the Bastille Opera with The Garbage Serbian Philharmonia which, despite its bizarre name, uses classical music instruments.


18. Why was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris?


19. he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day.


20. Bastille Day is the French national holiday, celebrated on July 14th of each year.


21. And they parted, Montparnasse betaking himself in the direction of the Greve, and Gavroche towards the Bastille.


22. Mr Sarkozy invited trade unionists to lunch and “victims and heroes” to his Bastille Day garden party.


23. A. Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille.


24. But major geomagnetic storms such as the Bastille Day event are much rarer.Although they can occur anytime during the 11-year solar cycle, they are most frequent in the solar maximum period.


25. The Vengeance, as custodian of the drum, could have wakened him up and had the same speech out of him as before the Bastille fell, or old Foulon was seized; not so with the hoarse tones of the men and women in Saint Antoine's bosom.


26. Help for the Bastille prisoner's kindred in La Force!


27. The insurgents invaded the H_tel des Invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the Bastille.


28. Bastille Day also falls during the running of the Tour de France, and is traditionally the day upon which French riders will make a special effort to take a stage victory for France.


29. that donjon keep,much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge,always raised; that portcullis,always lowered,--is the Bastille


30. that donjon keep, much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge, always raised; that portcullis, always lowered,--is the Bastille.


31. 2. that donjon keep, much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge, always raised; that portcullis, always lowered,--is the Bastille.


32. At the same time, Thenardier perceived in the direction of the Bastille a wan whiteness lighting up the edge of the sky in doleful wise.


33. The Bastille was subsequently demolished by the Revolutionary government.


34. Saint Antoine was clamorous to have its wine-shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the Bastille and shot the people.


35. On July 14, 1789, during the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside.


36. had found a letter in the Bastille.


37. A large fireworks show always takes place on Bastille day which celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution.


38. bastille house


39. The wedding carriages were in the file proceeding towards the Bastille, and skirting the right side of the Boulevard.


40. For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything evil.


41. They brought forward a draft of a declaration just before the storming of the Bastille.


42. Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens.


43. Behind the Bastille there were twenty hovels clustered round the curious sculptures of the Croix-Faubin and the flying buttresses of the Abbey of Saint-Antoine des Champs;


44. Bastil(l)e Day

巴士底日(7月14日, 法国国庆日, 1789 年于该日攻破巴士底狱)

45. "Bastille Day:July 14, observed in France in commemoration of the storming of the Paris Bastille in 1789, a citizens' victory at the outset of the French Revolution."


46. The IMF was oriented southward for many hours during the Bastille Day storm.


47. Lawrence Foster Bastille Opera Orchestra


48. the bastil(l)e


49. The Bastille was a fortress, which acted as both a prison and a stronghold containing arms and soldiers.


50. Lyrical Ballads; The Fall of the Bastille;


51. FRENCH MONKEY:Not even on Bastille Day?


52. Tower of Bastille


53. Parisians celebrate the Great Revolution of 1789 in the Place de la Bastille on July 14th.


54. They also sit in the Luxembourg Gardens, on the gilded dome of the 19th Century Palais Garnier and the roof of the ultramodern Opera Bastille.


55. The Vengeance, as custodian of the drum, could have wakened him up and had the same speech out of him as before the Bastille fell, or old Foulon was seized;


56. Blair: I would be in my cabana at the Hotel de Cat, and there he would be.Amid all the fireworks on Bastille Day, all I could see was that...Chuck Bass-tard!


57. Soui tetiam kangkhoan iok ti tengpai e Cafe Bastille.


58. The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.


59. The Storming of the Bastille


60. Paris remembered Bastille Day Tuesday with a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees.


61. One of the revolutionary leaders, Monsieur Defarge, had found a letter in the Bastille.


62. that donjon keep, much more pierced with loopholes than with windows;that drawbridge, always raised;that portcullis, always lowered,--is the Bastille.


63. Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city,town,and hamlet9,and among French expatriates10 as well.


64. After many years languishing in the Bastille prison, Doctor Manette is taken to safety in London by his daughter Lucie and his English banker.


65. The French people commemorate the fall of Bastille on the 14th of July.


66. France on July 14 when the French Revolution (1789) destroyed people Bastille prison in Paris that day as National Day.


67. France on July 14 when the Franch Revolution (1789) destroyed people Bastille prison in Paris that day as National Day.


68. It was some mighty, visible phantom, one knew not what, standing erect beside the invisible spectre of the Bastille.


69. Opposition from the royal court led to Necker's dismissal on July 11, 1789, an event that provoked the storming of the Bastille.


70. The bourgeois decked out in their Sunday finery who passed the elephant of the Bastille, were fond of saying as they scanned it disdainfully with their prominent eyes: "What's the good of that?


71. The next day he was kidnapped and thrown into the Bastille.


72. Finally, on Bastille Day, 1943, Enterprise sailed for home, slipping into a berth in Bremerton, Washington, as dusk settled on July 20.


73. The emblem of all that was wrong with France was the Bastille,a grim Paris fortress that had since 1369 been the black hole into which the Crown tossed its enemies.


74. Sade spends his time in the bastille.


75. Nor would Sarkozy have done much to improve his own popularity by inviting Syria's President Bashir al-Assad to be a guest of honor at France's Bastille Day parade.


76. The tool updates the PATH environment variable when installed, so if you have logged out then back in after installing, type bastille to start the tool.

该工具会在安装时更新 PATH 环境变量。

77. The door slammed, and the carriage drove rapidly away, ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille.


78. This day, the French populace attack and capture the bastille, henceforth had opened French Revolution's prologue.


79. It is not exactly the storming of the Bastille.


80. At the end of his life, the self-described closet rabbi was still planning his future, including a new work for the Bastille Opera in Paris.
