




1.返回对象的值 - toString 转换对象为字符串 - valueOf 返回对象的值 - new Sound 新建声音对象 ...

2.返回物件的值 - toString 转换物件为字符串 - valueOf 返回物件的值 + Math 数学函数 ...

3.返回字符串值 toString 返回字符串 valueOf 返回字符串值 min 最小值 ...

4.转换为字符串 replace 替换 valueOf 转换为字符串 toLowerCase 转换为小写 ...

5.取值 ... 到文本( toString) 取值( valueOf) 是否结束( atEnd) ...

6.返回数组值 reverse 数组反转 valueOf 返回数组值 bold 粗体 ...


1.The solution is to use the valueOf method on the Date object to see how long it has been since the start of the animation.解决方案是使用Date对象的valueOf方法确定动画开始了多长时间。

2.Cpck Save, and you'll notice that there's a new block in the TDT representing the assignment x = String. valueOf(y).单击Save,你将注意到在TDT中出现了新的语句块assignmentx=String.valueOf(y)。

3.The following snippet shows a JavaSignature selecting an overload of the valueOf method on java. lang. String.以下代码片段显示了一个JavaSignature,它选择java.lang.String上的valueOf方法的重载。

4.A cynic knows the price of everything, but the valueof nothing.但不知道他们的价值。

5.Valueof sericite ore is high by mineral seperation.分选出的绢云母矿物价值高。

6.Expectation-valueof forest of a single stand单独林森林期望价

7.Expectation-valueof forest of normal working section法正作业级之森林期望价

8.Cost valueof forest of a single stand单独林森林费用价

9.Cost valueof forest of normal working section法正作业级之森林费用价