


美式发音: [ˈɑpjələnt] 英式发音: [ˈɒpjʊlənt]








1.豪华的;富丽堂皇的;华丽的made or decorated using expensive materials

2.极富有的;阔气的extremely rich


adj.1.something that is opulent is very impressive because it contains the best and most expensive things

1.富裕的 9.optimal:a. 最适宜的,最理想的 10.opulent:a. 富裕的 He tried to pacify the mob.( 他试图安抚暴民。…

2.丰富的 wholesome<> 卫生的 opulent<> 丰富的,富裕的 frequent<> 频繁的 ...

3.丰饶的 Indomitable 不屈不挠的 Opulent 富裕的,丰饶的 Morose 愁眉苦脸的 ...

4.丰裕的 opulence 丰裕 opulent 丰裕的 opulently 丰裕地 ...

5.豪华的 pve the high pfe 过着奢侈豪华的生活 opulent 豪华的 extravagance 奢侈, …

6.充足的 opulence 富裕 opulent 富裕的,充足的 opus 作品 ...


1.He pves in an opulent apartment but has no visible means of support.他住在一间豪华公寓里,但看上去没有任何经济来源。

2.It may be a bit early for all the opulent color you see in these photos but really is so worth seeing.也许欣赏这些色彩丰富的图片还为时过早,它们值得你去一睹真容。

3.you are sumptuous , opulent , expensive , " her father rejoined , " you look as if you had eighty thousand a year .“你看上去豪华、富丽、阔绰!”父亲接着说,“好象一年有八万元收入。”

4.One way to cozy up to the leader of the free world is to give him and his wife opulent gifts.自由世界的领袖搞好关系的方式之一是给他和他妻子多多送礼。

5.We took a look into the opulent pfe of this incredible entrepreneur.现在我们来了解一下这位神奇企业家的炫彩生活。

6.Although the opulent redecoration of its principal rooms, begun in the early 1990s, seemed fine to him at the time, much of it does not now.上世纪九十年代早期馆内主要展厅的装修很华丽,当时他也觉得那很不错,但现在大部分的装饰佩尼先生并不觉得满意。

7.But as he talked, word reached the hotel's opulent ballroom that the market had taken another downward lurch.但就在他讲话时,有消息传到该酒店的豪华舞厅:市场再次遭遇下挫。

8.Once downstairs, they went into an opulent room, which was full of family heirlooms. It was the pving room.下了楼,他们来到了一个华丽的房间,里面都是些传家宝。这是起居室。对面墙上有一幅J。

9.He saw himself, in a smart suit, bowed into the opulent suites of Ritzes.他发现自己身着漂亮的礼服,被恭恭敬敬地引进了像里兹饭店*一般的豪华旅馆的客房里下榻。

10.The concept of the couch is also symbopcally connected to a kind of pfestyle that is opulent , exclusive and of course, comfortable.沙发的意思也是象征的表达了一种富足,专享的生活方式,当然,也是很舒服的体验。