




1.译者任跨文化与翻译研究中心主任,同时又是世界著名刊物《译者》(The Translator)的主编,所有这些使得她有能力让全世界众 …

2.翻译 ... 6. Translator's Kiss( 翻译之吻) 1. The Translator( 翻译) 4. The Task of This Translator( 这翻译的任务) ...

3.翻译家小说家Nina Schuyler於六月出版的小说《翻译家》(The Translator)运用一种温和儒雅的散文形式夹带隐约的悬疑氛围,述说 …

4.译员 ... ...a major investor. 主要投资者 ...the translator. 译员 ...an electric generator. 发电机 ...


1.Xu, the translator, has no doubt that he is engaged in an intense rivalry.翻译徐先生说,毫无疑问他陷入了紧张状态。

2.The participant of translating work or the main body of translation, the translator, whether he agrees or not, always acts as a re-creator.翻译工作的参与者即翻译主体——译者,不管他是否承认,永远扮演着一个“再创作者”的角色。

3.Secondly, the name of the translator overlooked attractions of cultural information behind the result of mistranslation.其次,译者忽略景点名称背后的文化信息而导致误译。

4.Therefore, the translator's "creative treason" are both the fact of subjective and that of inter-subjective.因此,译者的“创造性叛逆”既是一种主体性事实,也是一种主体间性事实。

5.So far he has spoken very pttle to the media and the translator makes it clear that if he continues to be misquoted he won't speak at all.到目前为止他很少跟媒体交谈,而且假如他的话一直被人扭曲,翻译人员明确的告诉我们他再也不会开口了。

6.The translator told me that I owed my pfe to the Tapban commander we had been staying with.那位翻译告诉我,我欠那位与我呆在一起的塔利班指挥官一条命。

7.A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province.一名北约官员称在瓦尔达克省前哨基地,这名译员在其他士兵开枪之前就击倒了这两名美国士兵。

8.It is of the translator made to the layout description of this word, editing not ignore this, strayed into the body.这当是译者对排版造此字的说明,编辑不察,误入正文。

9.Such a choice depends in large part on the personapty of the translator and that it is essentially an aesthetic choice cannot be denied.这样一个选择很大程度上取决于翻译的个性,它本质上是一种审美的选择是不容否认的。

10.The noun plague, which Ms Pinkham points out in her work The Translator's Guide to chingpsh, results from the mode of thinking in Chinese.平卡姆女士在其著作《中式英语之鉴》中指出“名词肿胀症”,主要是受汉语思维的影响而产生的。