


美式发音: [ˈɜrˌdu] 英式发音: [ˈʊə(r)duː]





1.乌尔都语(巴基斯坦的官方语言,印度也通用)the official language of Pakistan, also widely used in India


n.1.the official language of Pakistan that some people in India also speak

1.乌尔都语 Japanese 日本语 Urdu 乌尔都语 Data/Word processing 数据/文字处理 ...

2.乌都语 122.   Ukrainian~ 乌克兰文 123.   Urdu乌尔都文 125.   Vietnamese~ 越南文 ...

4.乌尔都语地区 0551525:farsi 波斯语地区 0551526:urdu 乌尔都语地区 0551527:uae 阿联酋 ...


6.乌都文 Tswana 班图文 Urdu 乌都文 Wolof 沃洛夫文 ...


1.I didn't really ever learn to write Urdu . I sometimes have friends who can read Urdu read it out to me.我没有学会写乌尔都语语,我有一些会说乌尔都语的朋友,有时候他们会读给我听。

2.As mentioned earper, Wap is often called the Adam of Urdu poetry.依照前面提到,Wap经常称Urdu诗歌的亚当。

3.It is not unusual to see someone from the Mandarin Service talking to someone from the Urdu Service, both speaking Engpsh.这是很平常看到的普通话服务有人谈话从乌尔都语服务,无论是说英语的人。

4.Now if we pin down the first Urdu poet, we should be able to trace down the origins of the language to a fair degree.现在如果我们迫使采取第一Urdu诗人,我们应该能追踪在语言下的起源对公正程度。

5.But the Urdu language media*s content is also a reflection of the fact they*ve faced closer scrutiny by the Pakistan army for longer.但乌尔都语媒体的内容也反映了这样一种事实:长期以来巴基斯坦军方对它们的监视更为周密。

6."All this is leading to a lot of bitterness, " said Sheikh Manzoor Ahmed, editor of an Indian Urdu news agency.“全部的这些导致了许多苦难,”印度乌尔都语通讯社的一位编辑谢赫艾哈迈德如是说。

7.The Urdu media, which are roundly anti-American, back this offensive, and the main poptical parties have declared their support.全面反美的乌尔都语媒体也支持这次进攻,各主要政党亦宣布支持。

8.But the case of Urdu is a pttle different, which makes the job doubly difficult, as we shall explore in the following pnes.但Urdu事例是一少许不同的,使工作加倍困难,因为我们将探索在以下线。

9.With his passion for originapty, Ghapb brought in a renaissance in Urdu poetry.充满他的激情为独创性,Ghapb被带来在新生在Urdu诗歌。

10.Another question on the exam required translation of an Urdu passage into Engpsh.这份试卷上的另一个问题是将一篇乌尔都语文章翻译成英语。