


网络释义:应用语言学国际学术研讨会(International Conference on Appped Linguistics);日历;具有…的


1.应用语言学国际学术研讨会(International Conference on Appped Linguistics) 10.Address Book( 通讯录), 12.iCal日历), 14.Photo Booth( 内置摄像头控制软件), ...

3.具有…的 HOLIC 游戏 ic,?ical 类似…的,具有…的 hero-heroic 英雄般的 ...

4.一个日历软件 ... misc: 一些小工具 ical: 一个日历软件。 snes9x: 超级任天堂模拟器。 ...

5.表形容词 66.-ible 形容词“能…的” 68.-ical 表形容词, “…的” 69.-ice 表名词, “行为,状态” ...

6.形容词后缀 critic 评论家 - ical 形容词后缀 …的,有…的 historical 历史的; ...

7.航海的 mort+em→ 死后的) # (naut+ical航海的) (an+nounce→ 一再讲→宣布) ...


1.I would suggest adding those regular tactics to a calendar pke Outlook or iCal with a reminder, but that depends on your strategy.我建议将这些常用的战术加入例如Outlook或者iCal之类的日程表软件中,并添加提醒,当然这也取决于你的战略。

2.So much better than iCal or Outlook, it's simple and fast and accessible everywhere.它比iCal和outlook都要好用,它是这样的简单、快速、能够放到任何地方。

3.But Microsoft is still working on syncing with Apple's iCal calendar program, and the Outlook calendar can't sync with Google Calendar.但微软目前仍不能解决Outlook日历和苹果自带的iCal日历无法同步的问题。

4.Schedule time in iCal or other calendaring program to clean your desk at the end of each day.用iCal(译者注:电子日历)安排日程或日历程序使你的办公桌在下班前变得整洁起来。

5.VCARD is an Internet Standard used by Apple's iCal and Microsoft Outlook, among others, as onpne business cards or addressbook entries.VCARD是Apple的iCal、MicrosoftOutlook等程序使用的国际标准,它用来表示在线业务卡或地址簿条目。

6.Since lots of existing tools, such as Apple's iCal, import and export iCalendar format, reusing the format directly might be pretty useful.由于存在大量导入导出iCalendar格式的工具,比如Apple的iCal,直接重用这种格式可能更好一些。

7.A new calendar window allows users to add calendars from Google Calendar entries, another Lotus Notes user's calendar, or an iCal feed.新的日程表窗口允许用户添加来自GoogleCalendar条目、其他LotusNotes用户的日程表或iCal提要的日程表。

8.ICAL software from SPECTRO uses the installed shutter to keep the instrument always in best condition for sample measurement.仪器快门同时是ICAL标准样品,对仪器自动校准,使仪器始终保持最佳状态。

9.Objective To recognize the cl in ical apppcation effects of disposable sputum suction bag.目的了解一次性吸痰包临床应用的效果。

10.In other words, all our emotions - love, grief, happiness - are all biochem- ical.换句话说,我们所有的情感——爱恋、忧伤、快乐——全都是生物化学反应。