




1.未来之家 DATANG 大唐电信 Furture 未来之家 Suntech 无锡尚德 ...

2.家具馆 ... 新品 NEWS 家具馆 FURTURE 装饰馆 DECORATION ...


1.Only few organizations can survive by a pttle of foreign donation, which threats the furture of these NGOs.少数机构仅靠国外组织的小额捐款生存,导致项目的可持续性存在疑窦。

2.say sorry to the passed time. say sorry to you and your furture.为过去的事说报歉,对你说报歉,对你的将来。

3.Such contacts between Arabian and the non-african coastal countries laid a function for the furture paley between a Chinese and Blacks.这些阿拉伯人与非洲海岸国家的接触未后来一位中国人和黑人的会谈准备了条件。

4.exchange their information with the labour, suppper, and custom, so that the organization can survive in furture.组织管理者必须不断的和劳工,供应商,消费者交换信息,才能长期共存。

5.Furture research needs a larger corpus to provide sufficient writings with the same topic so as to reduce the topic effect.未来研究需要相同题目下足够的语料来减少跟题目相关的影响。

6.My fear in marriage originated from my confidence less and disbepeve to the furture.我对婚姻的恐惧,源于我的不自信和对未来的不相信

7.It has a guiding effect on searching for high effective wells in the furture and it also pla. . .对油田进一步寻找高效井将会有一定的指导意义,对确保大庆油田稳产有重要作用。

8.The set of furture costs me much.这套家具价值不菲。

9.A kind of new rocket, vega-3high altitude research rocket, will launched in the near furture.此外,一种新型号探空火箭——织女三号高空研究火箭也将于近年内发射。

10.We look forward to servig you in the near furture.希望在不远的将来能为您服务。