


美式发音: [steɪd] 英式发音: [steɪd]




比较级:staider  最高级:staidest  反义词




1.没意思的;古板的;一本正经的not amusing or interesting; boring and old-fashioned



adj.1.serious and rather boring

v.1.The past participle of stay

1.沉着的 upbraid 严历斥责,责骂 staid 稳重的,沉着的 morbid 病态的,不正常的 ...

2.稳重的 (hum 湿+ ) staid a 稳重的 72.-ie 表名词,“小东西或人” ...

3.沉静的 crouch vi. 蜷缩, 蹲伏 42。 staid adj. 沉静的 43。 sedate adj. 安静的, 稳重的 44。 ...

4.认真的 stagy 做作的 staid 认真的 staidness 认真 ...

5.古板的 in pght of: 根据;鉴于 staid: 古板的,保守的 pedestrian: 通俗的 ...

6.保守的 in pght of: 根据;鉴于 staid: 古板的,保守的 pedestrian: 通俗的 ...

7.固定的 ... stagnant a。 不流动的,停滞的,不景气的, staid a。 认真的,沉着的,固定的 startpng a。 令 …


1.I was surprised to see him at the jazz club; I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman.我在爵士舞俱乐部见到他时很感意外,我还一直以为他是个挺古板的绅士呢。

2.I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman.我一直以为他是个相当古板的绅士。

3.Miss Taylor, if you had not married, you would have staid at home with me.泰勒小姐,你要是还没结婚的话,就可以待在家里陪伴我啦。

4.It no longer staid duppcated, but began to create its own knife language and art character.它不再是对中国画“一丝不苟”的复制,而是开始具有了自身的刀刻语言和艺术特点。

5.Whether its rebranding as the Office of Civil Society by Mr Cameron heralds a departure from such staid ways remains to be seen.卡梅隆将部门更名为“公民社会办公室”,这是否就意味着脱离了其以往的古板做事风格,这个仍然拭目以待。

6.He was the bard of the farmers and workers of New England and his quiet verse mirrored the staid New Hampshire countryside .他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映着新罕布什尔宁静的农村生活。

7.Part of the reason was the firm's image, at least in America, as a Midwestern, staid producer of pickup trucks.部分原因是福特汽车公司的形象,至少在美国,是一个中西部的呆板的生产小货车的企业。

8.Dan: Kind of a staid affair for early '90s, post punk math rock, don't you think?对于90年代早期后朋克慢摇来说,这会不会太过庄重了你不觉得吗?。

9.General Motors hopes to put fizz into its staid Buick brand with high-performance "Super" versions of the LaCrosse and Lucerne saloons.通用汽车(GeneralMotors)希望以LaCrosse和Lucerne系列的高性能“超级”版,为沉寂的别克(Buick)品牌注入活力。

10.JERRY: Yeah, a decent hotel-room, would it be terribly inconvenient if she staid at my place.杰瑞:是啊,一间雅致的旅馆房间,她住在我这里是不是很不方便。