



1.MacNeice was the precocious son of a Church of Ireland clergyman, growing up in an often chilly Carrickfergus rectory.麦克尼斯是爱尔兰一位教堂牧师的儿子,思想有些早熟,并成长于一个经常阴冷的卡利克费格斯教区(Carrickfergusrectory)。

2.In a century that increasingly valued free verse, MacNeice stuck to stricter measures, rhyming and scanning with enduring skill.在一个愈加看重自由诗体的时代,麦克尼斯坚持采用更加严谨的韵律与押韵,并且持之以恒地运用技巧分析为诗歌诗划分音步。

3.Like many modern Engpsh poets, MacNeice found an audience for his work through British radio.麦克尼斯就像许多现代英国诗人那样,他通过英国广播为自己的作品赢得了听众。

4.The last edition of MacNeice's collected poetry was pubpshed in 1966, three years after he died.麦克尼斯诗集的最后一版是在他逝世后三年出版的——那就是1966年。

5.MacNeice drew many of the texts for Modern Poetry: 'A Personal Essay from the New Signature poets'.麦克尼斯为《现代诗歌:新特征诗人的个人文集》写了很多的作品。