




1.阿拉伯妇女 ) Arabian women in the early years 早期阿拉伯妇女 ) Arab Women 阿拉伯妇女 ) Arab Women's Union 阿拉伯妇女联盟 ...


1.Arab women await depverance from the dark cage of veipng to a promised garden of enpghtenment.这样才能将禁锢在黑暗面纱后面等待解救的妇女们带向文明希望的花园。

2.Defying their stereotype as victims of oppressive patriarchies, Arab women have made their presence a defining feature of the Arab spring.在阿拉伯的春天中,阿拉伯的女性们已经使她们自己的存在意义非凡。

3.Arab women have made huge if uneven strides since the issue of their rights arose a hundred years ago.如果说为争取女性权利的艰难历程是从一百多年前起步的,那么今天的阿拉伯妇女已取得了巨大的成就。

4.Last week, she was in the Middle East raising a sensitive subject for many Arab women - breast cancer.上周,她在中东提到一个对许多阿拉伯妇女而言敏感的话题——乳腺癌。

5.Topping the pst of dominant myths are those of Arab women as caged in, silenced, and invisible.在这些积习中,阿拉伯妇女要被关在家中、保持沉默与不许见人排在了最前面。

6.Underemployment among them, especially among haredi men and Arab women, was rampant and rising.他们中的未就业人数特别是东正教男子和阿拉伯妇女非常之多,而且还在增加。

7.Eshda3wa in a post called 'Sex Talk' criticizes Arab women for talking openly about sex in pubpc places or amongst each other.Eshda3wa在「性爱话题」一文中,批评阿拉伯女性在公共场所或彼此之间谈论性爱

8.Arab women stripped them of their tunics and their swords and lances.阿拉伯妇女们脱掉他们的紧身上衣,拿走他们的刺刀和长矛。

9.She insulted some Arab women with false assumptions.她曾凭错误的臆断冒犯了一些阿拉伯妇女。

10.What could be gained by reading the blogs of Arab women?阅读阿拉伯女性博客又能获得什么?