


n.卧房,卧室, 寝室


The best bait for bedbug is to sleep three in a bed.






见:bed: bedchamber bedchamber
(archaic)a bedroom
翻译:used in the title of some of the British sovereign's attendants
groom of the bedchamber.


名词 bedchamber:

a room used primarily for sleeping

同义词:bedroom, sleeping room, chamber


1. But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram and sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the sons of the king who were to be killed; she put him and his nurse into the bedchamber.


2. Now they had come into the house as he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they struck him and killed him and beheaded him.And they took his head and traveled by the way of the Arabah all night.


3. Miriamele made an anguished sound, trying to bury her face in her long blue veil, then leaped up to dash past on velvet-slippered feet into her bedchamber.


4. a lady of the bedchamber


5. Fourth lady feels to do not have necessary, with respect to take out, two doors open in the toilet that stay, a door is in advocate between bedchamber in, a door is in advocate lie outside.


6. Was he not, by your invitation, asked to come to the king's bedchamber?


7. Nevertheless, when choice bedchamber is potted, should avoid to choose too expensive plant.


8. Chinese agitation is alive inside bound limits wide welcome, let people more the household atmosphere of favour Chinese style. How to decorate the Chinese style bedchamber that gives an elegance?


9. In Chinese style bedchamber, furniture, lamps and lanterns, wall map, use semmetry display kind, borrowing even gimmick to behave composed effect.


10. Expression of Chinese style bedchamber is on furniture, use firm the line processing of hard, Founder.


11. In the name of safety, their shamans had gotten rid of the maelstrom and poked a ship-sized hole in a goddess's bedchamber.


12. Master room and the bedchamber get through on.


13. Master room and the bedchamber get through on, divide space of 3 photographs connective.


14. Advocate bedchamber Jian Yali is sent, without the burden that compose acts the role of, clear now relaxed the dormancy style of happy person;


15. The products include the hall furniture, and bedchamber furniture series.


16. And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.


17. He conducted the two animals to a long room that seemed half bedchamber and half loft.


18. But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons that were slain, and put him and his nurse in a bedchamber.


19. Above is all sorts of second bedchamber are aimed at different the design principle of the person that use.


20. But from in last few years bedchamber design looks, the design change of lie in bed is the biggest.


21. But from in last few years in light of bedchamber design, the design change of lie in bed is the biggest.


22. But the feeling that lives in instantly should begin from oneself, is not to enter bedchamber to just begin, and it is till what acquire concatenate move from embrace that begins momently.


23. Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.


24. Headrest of its costliest coronary of design nothing is more... than, wrap with tassel, compose with tassel, and the adornment of a lot of enough collocation bedchamber.


25. A single taper flickered in Ambreene's bedchamber as she shot the door bolt into place with steady hands.


26. In bedchamber, simple layout, ample space, of quietly elegant tonal, what everything all is explaining this is one is full of warmth is feudal.


27. Bedchamber is the room with illicit close tall sex, also be the extent that individual style shows, as to the choice with potted flowers, can decide because of individual be fond of.


28. A furniture is bought in bedchamber, a furniture in dining-room, a sofa is more of course in the sitting room, match cabinet of ark of an a few cases again.


29. To the imagination than the Bishop's bedchamber.


30. Nothing is more easy to present to the imagination than the Bishop's bedchamber .


31. What children bedchamber just considers for children when a lot of adults are decorated now is more, still lack a kind of consumption sense that makes children toilet designedly.


32. Because game is hit late, it is every time sneak away when at dead of night into bedchamber, affected her Morpheus.


33. 3. Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber .


34. Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.


35. The National Day is coming. Let's have a thorough cleanup in our bedchamber.


36. the royal bedchamber


37. Outside his bedchamber a flight of steps descended to a larger room furnished with a scarred pinewood table and a dozen oak-and-leather chairs.


38. and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.


39. Be in in one's childhood, you once also astonished to the bedchamber of friend parents certainly unceasingly: Two apart pieces of small beds, the ark of the head of a bed of an intermediate white.


40. How does 6. renovate bedchamber vogue?


41. lord of the bedchamber


42. When decorating bedchamber and living room, can try to think from a few respects: You most want how does Mo use this room?


43. That evening, he tries to sleep in the bedchamber of this darkish sky open, arrive without the dream overnight unexpectedly day break, get up feel well of gas of systemic muscle easy.


44. We meet each other at the start of last term and live in the same bedchamber .I think he is a special northlander at my first sight , for his highness and accommodating .


45. How came I can stay at bedchamber ?


46. My... my kingdom lies corrupting on the vine, while servants whisper and tiptoe outside my bedchamber door!


47. There was no trace of the three elderly chamberladies who always lounged by the central bedchamber stair, waiting to be summoned up into Teshla's presence.


48. In his bedchamber to be barr'd of rest.


49. The Queen commissioned Sir Robert Peel, a Tory, to form a new ministry, but was faced with a debacle known as the Bedchamber Crisis.

新部的最重大的行动的当中一个将带领英国进入 , 在边的 和反对 . 在英国的词条前, 传言, 女王/王后和王子阿尔伯特更喜欢俄国边减少了皇家夫妇的大众化。

50. The Arts of the Bedchamber of Magic and Immortality Tradition and Huang-Lao Tradition


51. No matter how attractive certain members of the rebellion are, there is probably someone just as attractive who is not desperate to kill me.Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.


52. We are the persons who don't go back home for a long time because it's more convenience to be on internet at bedchamber!


53. And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.


54. About children educational expert points out, live in mass-tone to move, when children bedchamber chooses color, want especially " because of the person different " .


55. In addition, chinese style bedchamber also borrows by calligraphy and painting, antique expression comes out.


56. Pork lit one lamp and three candles and, with the pompous dignity of a first chamberlain of the royal bedchamber lighting a king and queen to their rooms, he led the procession up the stairs, holding the light high above his head.


57. Jon Snow Outside his bedchamber a flight of steps descended to a larger room furnished with a scarred pinewood table and a dozen oak-and-leather chairs.


58. Because the bedchamber, sitting room, utility with respective dining room is different, had better choose different wall paper, in order to achieve as harmonious as furniture result.


59. Conventional bedchamber furniture, often be it is a center with the bed, contain ark of the head of a bed, chest and dresser.


60. Can see from this, be not an emperor to live not to have big bedroom, choose however " raise spirit " bedchamber, in order to protect healthy.


61. Thus, he transformed the king's bedchamber first into a salon and then into the Throne Room (in 1808) and had the imperial apartment sumptuously refurnished.


62. royal bedchamber


63. The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty's train felt about on the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle;


64. Make an appointment with the indoor area of 40 level ground, member of basis owner family with life function demand, plan to have: Porch, sitting room, dining-room, kitchen, advocate bedchamber and two daughters room.


65. Does the one built in Mount Lishan refer to a special shrine for ancestral tablets or the bedchamber in the Palace Huaqing for the Tang emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei, his favorite concubine?


66. As household the design is abounded gradually rise, bedchamber furniture also presents a brand-new change.


67. lady of the bedchamber


68. In the design, master bedchamber is most the place that reveals personality, can see master hobby, interest and the endearment to romantic feelings from here.


69. Zhao Baole says, my home first floor is sitting room, dining-room, kitchen, guest room, dress, the with the son bedchamber between baby-sitter;


70. This kind of sound slept lightly the children in sleep deeply, then everybody runnings to parental bedchamber to come immediately one dug unexpectedly.


71. This kind of bed not only can leave many spaces for bedroom province, and when pass the night coming before should having a friend, much also in the child's bedchamber one piece sleeps used bed.


72. and a chambermaid introduced me to my small bedchamber, which smelt like a hackney-coach, and was shut up like a family vault.


73. while on the mantel stood an electric clock, precisely like that in Mr Fogg's bedchamber, both beating the same second at the same instant


74. while on the mantel stood an electric clock, precisely like that in mr fogg's bedchamber, both beating the same second at the same instant. `that's good, that'll do,' said passepartout to himself.


75. At that day,the adjoining Li Xi came to our bedchamber and said perkily:"I joined a Microsoft club,in which the core members are all graduate students.


76. The carol of the birds was loud and high, and, on the weather-beaten sill of the great window of the bedchamber of Monsieur the Marquis, one little bird sang its sweetest song with all its might.

鸟儿欢乐地高奏出一片喧哗。 侯爵卧室那饱经风霜的巨大窗户的窗棂上一只小鸟正竭尽全力唱出最甜美的歌。

77. Waking in a cold sweat, Medivh makes his way to the bedchamber of his father.
