



[ bemoaning ]

v.悲叹,哀叹, 叹息, 为 ... 惋惜, 认为遗憾


He often bemoaned his sad fate.


He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research.



动词过去式: bemoaned | 动词过去分词: bemoaned | 动词现在分词: bemoaning | 动词第三人称单数: bemoans |



动词过去式: bemoaned | 动词过去分词: bemoaned | 动词现在分词: bemoaning | 动词第三人称单数: bemoans |


动词 bemoan:

regret strongly

同义词:deplore, lament, bewail, bemoan


1. All ye that are about him, bemoan him; and all ye that know his name, say, How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod!


2. I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus;Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned;


3. And it shall come to pass, that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her?


4. In July, 22 senior figures from the region, including Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa, wrote a public letter bemoaning the decline in transatlantic ties.


5. Tonight under a cold moon lies an old head in drunken stupor.Only the plum blossoms in the painted wall remain red.Chasing bygone dreams, Bemoaning daylight is too long.

Inspired me to compose 昔汉花丽少年壮 今霄月冷老头醉 雕墙画中梅不摧 失寻旧梦怨日长 In days of yore when flowers are pretty, men are young & virile.

6. It's a trend that is already familiar to African-America women, many of whom bemoan the fact that there are relatively few college-educated black men to choose from.


7. And while you are bemoaning the fact that there is no market for your silk, Chinese silk goods manufacturers are importing Japanese rayon. Isn't that a curious phenomenon and a handicap to Chinese industry?"


8. This state I oft bemoan; but what's to do? Not to grow old, being human, there's no way.


9. Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind.


10. Meanwhile, pessimists can still bemoan that with a projected 28 approvals for the full year, 2008's looks like another below-average year.


11. 1.Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics.


12. to bemoan the loss of one's job


13. Purists bemoan the corruption of the language.


14. Perhaps in bemoaning their failure to be the ones to exploit these themes, the Chinese are being a bit hard on themselves.


15. The poor man began to bemoan himself,saying,"Is it possible that your Majesty should give no more than this to your brother?


16. They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance.


17. She listened to him playing adagio, bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals


18. Waxman bemoan how predetermined beliefs are jeopardizing scientific freedom, you might think you are in another age or in some struggling new country.


19. You rarely hear these people bemoaning their fate.


20. On the former, Gordon Brown, UK prime minister, turned up in Davos as hypocrite-in-chief, bemoaning the rise of the financial protectionism his own government has been practising.


21. All ye that are about him, bemoan him; and all ye that know his name, say, How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod!


22. 7 And it shall come to pass, that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee?


23. Galliani went on to bemoan the fact that Serie A cannot compete with the other European leagues in the same way that they used to, especially when it comes to attracting the top players.


24. 6.The other type is simply a martyr, bemoaning his fate.


25. to bemoan against an injustice


26. Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead;chanting a quanta patimur!


27. bemoan one's insignificancy in the face of a great thing;


28. He and Tamitha spent Monday huddled under the blankets, smoking cigarettes and listening to the radio-talk shows and weather reports, all bemoaning the storm.


29. There's no point in bemoaning any failure to act when times were good.The important thing is to take advantage of opportunities now.


30. Bewail the times and pity the people; bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind feel sympathy for the world


31. Thus was Carrie's name bandied about in the most frivolous and gay of places, and that also when the little toiler was bemoaning her narrow lot, which was almost inseparable from the early stages of this, her unfolding fate.

嘉莉的名字就这样在这寻欢作乐的轻浮场所被人提起。 与此同时,这小女工正在悲叹自己苦命。 在她正在展开的人生初期,这种悲叹将几乎如影附身地伴随着她。

32. There's no point in bemoaning any failure to act when times were good.


33. Yet those who bemoan the cessation of population growth are thinking back-to-front.


34. While bemoaning his plight he remembers suddenly that the doctor had recommended a more liberal diet.He begs me at once to sit down and make up a menu with plenty of fish and meat.


35. In floor respect, do with natural stone in be afraid of floor tile already bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great task durable;


36. He subsequently fell out with Avram Grant after criticising his style of management and bemoaning the loss of Jose Mourinho.


37. " All too often those bemoaning the unfairness of the world are just whining that they're not getting their way.


38. they mainly focused on four aspects: the deep concern over the situation of the State, the bemoaning of their fate, the exclamation of people's life and the glorification of the state situation.


39. The funding agencies are bemoaning the scarcity of young people interested in science when they themselves caused this scarcity by destroying science as a career.


40. I lost some of them and I always bemoan the loss.But I would rather refuse to look for them, because compared to what I really lost, they were rather circumstantial.


41. She is always bemoaning her lot.


42. She was swept with a wave of revulsion for the emptiness of her life. Like other girls in her position, she began to bemoan her fate.


43. The good captain understands this, prepares for every eventuality and does not bemoan the changes that come along.


44. If T-Mac was sitting at home on Tuesday night watching the Celtics put the wraps on a championship, he could have been bemoaning the fact that nobody went out and got him Garnett and Allen.


45. The rich especially the older rich will bemoan the great refuge for secret stashes.


46. Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest. I am grateful for life.


47. 23 Creatures in the world all bemoan the changes of life and death.


48. We were bemoaning the fact that authors of popular fiction found it hard to get published and receive any recognition.


49. True, it also throws into relief the incomparable egoism of the prosperous among them. People with no serious cares or worries in the world of course bemoan and upbraid this trifling inconvenience.


50. to bemoan one's fate


51. bemoaning the universe


52. I'm not alone in bemoaning the passage of these cultural artifacts.


53. I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus;Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned;for thou art the LORD my God.


54. This state I oft bemoan; but what's to do?


55. Many of my contacts bemoan the fact that their on-line consulting in design, photography or whatever, is also taking a downturn in value when paid for in dollars.


56. Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead;


57. The Tao of JunkPundits bemoan our trade deficitwith China.But those container ships aren’t heading home empty.


58. bemoan the shortage of funds for research


59. Also, they don't play on feelings of guilt or force you to bemoan your past lapses.


60. Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!


61. Relax ! Instead of bemoaning the fact that you can't hit with your...shot its power, your dominant hand helps put spin on the ball ....


62. Spruance had been bemoaning the way they had missed the Coral Sea battle


63. Some resent Seattle's gentrification, bemoaning the near-gridlocked traffic and arguing that the city's most interesting neighborhoods have lost their individuality to the property developers.


64. One night at dinner, Rufus, who was one of the best students in our class, was bemoaning the long hours he spent studying.


65. Jacoby is one of a number of writers with new books that bemoan the state of American culture.


66. Some scholars point out that bemoaning the self-involvement of young people is a perennial adult activity. (“The children now love luxury,” an old quotation says.


67. Also, many bemoan that billions are wasted on those showpieces of China's emerging power.


68. Wang Ping: Chilavert's classic shot was a free kick of 60 meters away. It unexpectedly made the Argentinean goalkccper Burgers bemoan his inadequacy in the face of a great task.


69. Be Standby for the Expeditionary, Be Provision for the Reference--Research on the Brilliant SanQu Composer Xue Lundao's World - Bemoaning SanQu in Ming Dynasty


70. Seeing the shatter of the flowers on the ground, a little bemoan feeling appeared.


71. Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days,because days enshrined in memory are never lost,


72. 4.Mourinho was challenged over his right to bemoan his injury misfortune when Valencia can point to list of missing players containing Marchena, Gavilan, Edu, Morientes, Navarro and Baraja.


73. Shortly before that event, she caused controversy with comments bemoaning the influx of Asian golfers to the LPGA Tour.


74. It unexpectedly made the Argentinean goalkeeper Burgers bemoan his inadequacy in the face of a great task.


75. 1 Teachers often bemoan the lack of respect from students.


76. The TD Banknorth Garden, which opened in 1995, has some of the Lakers bemoaning the cold.


77. ’ When we appreciate the blooming flower, a sad mood emerged simultaneously as we bemoan the withering and falling flowers.


78. For thus saith the LORD, Enter not into the house of mourning, neither go to lament nor bemoan them: for I have taken away my peace from this people, saith the LORD, even lovingkindness and mercies.


79. For who shall have pity upon thee, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan thee? or who shall go aside to ask how thou doest?


80. For who shall have pity on thee, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan thee? or who shall go to pray for thy peace?
