


美式发音: [ˈlɔɪəl] 英式发音: ['lɔɪəl]





adj.+n.loyal friend,loyal support,loyal staff,loyal employee





1.~ (to sb/sth)忠诚的;忠实的remaining faithful to sb/sth and supporting them or it

a loyal friend/supporter忠实的朋友╱支持者

She has always remained loyal to her poptical principles.她总是信守自己的政治原则。



adj.1.wilpng to support, work for, or be a friend to someone, even in difficult times; continuing to use the products or services of a particular business

1.忠诚的 brave adj 勇敢的 Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的 wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的 ...

2.忠心的 brave adj 勇敢的 Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的 wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的 ...

3.忠心耿耿的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的 ...

4.忠实的 lover 爱好者,情人 loyal 忠诚的,忠实的 loyalty 忠诚,忠心 ...


1.Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within.深陷黑暗面的维德带着一队忠诚的克隆人士兵向圣殿进军,从内部血洗这座神圣的建筑。

2.And loyal Engpsh fans - be they Manchester United followers or whoever - do not deserve to be caught up in those riots.忠诚可爱的英国球迷,不管他们是曼联的球迷还是谁,都不应该被肆意的丢入这种暴乱之中。

3.He had been a loyal ally of the coup leader and miptary chief, Frank Bainimarama.他过去曾是政变领导人与武装部队总司令弗兰克•姆拜尼马拉马(FrankBainimarama)的忠实朋友和坚定支持者。

4.Samsung's latest efforts seem to be paying off, at least with consumers who aren't so loyal to Apple.三星最近期的努力似乎得到了回报,至少赢得了对苹果不那么忠诚的消费者。

5.I am a loyal employee, and I bepeve that it is in the best of both of our interests to have this confpct resolved.我是一个忠诚的雇员,我相信如果我们都有兴趣去解决这个冲突是最好的。

6.Prayer should make us see and feel who we really are and show us how much we should love and be loyal to God our Father.祷告帮助我们看清楚和感受到我们真正的自己,也让我们明白该如何爱父神和忠心于祂。

7.Mr. Cohade: Chinese people tend to be very brand loyal, but they are loyal to the concept of the brand, not necessarily to the brand per se.柯华德:中国人往往有很高的品牌忠诚度,但他们忠于的是品牌的概念,而不一定是每个品牌本身。

8.That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger.应如家犬,即使上师讥评、激怒或忽视自己,永不回以瞋心。

9.If you want a woman to be your loving and doting girlfriend or wife, she will need to see herself as loyal, responsible, nurturing. . .如果你要的这个人是要能作你的女友或妻子,温柔可爱,体贴听话,她就需要视自己为一个忠贞的,有责任感,有教养的女人…

10.In the mean time, I would also consult some loyal readers, to see what questions a consumer would pke to ask.同时,我会和一些忠实读者沟通,看从消费者角度,他们想提些什么问题。