

wheat beer

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1.小麦啤酒 德式香肠 German Sausage 德式啤酒 Wheat Beer 焦糖玛朵 Macchiatto ...

3.白啤酒比利时风格白啤酒而与德国风格白啤酒Wheat Beer)有着很大区别,是典型的不经过滤的啤酒的代表,虽然它不是白色,但 …

4.白啤周六晚上宴请一个日本教授到陆家嘴的宝莱纳喝酒,喝下满满1升的所谓德国白啤wheat beer)后我就知道周日的半程马拉松 …


1.With this fermentation process, we get a new type of wheat beer with flavour different to that of ordinary barley beer.此发酵工艺所生产的啤酒新颖独特,风味上较普通大麦啤酒有显著特点。

2.Furthermore, both fermentation and mashing conditions had greater influence on sour-taste of wheat beer.糖化工艺和发酵工艺对小麦啤酒酸感也有较大的影响。

3.This type of Belgian, spontaneously fermented wheat beer is dry, full-bodied and usually aged in wooden casks.这款比利时酿造的小麦啤酒干爽、重,通常要在木桶中熟化,它叫什么名字?

4.According to what we studied, we identified the way of adding Sipca gel to improve the non-biology-stabipty of black wheat beer.据此确定了添加硅胶对提高小黑麦啤酒非生物稳定性的方法,并进一步探讨解决了高蛋白小黑麦容易造成蛋白质混浊的关键问题。

5.We studied the fermentation processes of wheat beer.探讨了小麦啤酒的生产工艺。

6.lambic beer is a spontaneously fermented wheat beer made in and around the city of brussels , belgium这种啤酒从小麦发酵而来,产自比利时的布鲁塞尔。

7.Studies on Fermentation Processes of Wheat Beer小麦啤酒生产工艺的研究

8.Production Technology of Wheat Beer小麦啤酒的生产技术

9.Study on Applying SASPL Value to Improve Non-Biology-Stabipty of Black Wheat Beer利用SASPL值提高小黑麦啤酒非生物稳定性的研究

10.Fruit Beer Production with Wheat Beer as Basic Beer以小麦啤酒为基酒生产果啤