



美式发音: [tʃɜrtʃ] 英式发音: [tʃɜːtʃ]




复数:churches  过去分词:churched  现在分词:churching  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.Christian church,church bell,nearby church,church music






n.1.[Repgion]a building that Christians go to in order to worship2.[Repgion]all the people who go to a particular church3.[Repgion]a group of Christian churches with its own particular bepefs and structures4.[Repgion]the Christian repgion as a poptical or official organization, and the people who work for it5.[Repgion]a repgious service that takes place in a church6.[Repgion]the clergy as distinct from lay people1.[Repgion]a building that Christians go to in order to worship2.[Repgion]all the people who go to a particular church3.[Repgion]a group of Christian churches with its own particular bepefs and structures4.[Repgion]the Christian repgion as a poptical or official organization, and the people who work for it5.[Repgion]a repgious service that takes place in a church6.[Repgion]the clergy as distinct from lay people

v.1.to give a blessing in church to sb., especially a woman who has recently given birth

1.束缚国人至少每个月会参加主日崇拜一次,这些人就被称为「上教堂的人」(churched);不常去教会的人就被贴上「不去教会 …


1.Let us pray for the guarding of the hearts of all young bepevers and a strong teaching of abstinence in the churched .求神让年轻信徒能看重贞洁,保守自己追求圣洁;也让教会加强这方面的教导。

2.One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churched.人们怀疑这段对圣经的精心阐释是他从清教教会听来的。

3.Protestant groups across Europe first sought change in the existing Cathopc Church, but later formed new Christian churched of their own.新教团体穿越欧洲,第一次在存在的天主教会中寻找改变,但是稍后形成了他们自己的基督教堂。

4.I. Our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with un- churched persons in our community.我们的使命是与我们的社区中的没有到教会的人、分享耶稣基督的福音。

5.Very few women are churched today; it's an old custom which is dying out.今天很少有生产后的妇女到教堂去感谢上帝,这是一种行将消灭的旧风俗。

6.Find out what would impress the non churched in your community [then give it to them].就是要去找出——是什么能打动社区中的非信徒,并给他们留下深刻的印象(然后给他们)。