




1.偷神家族 俾鬼玩 Ghost Killer 偷神家族 The Big Deal 再试初夜情 The Survival ...

2.神偷神偷 (The big deal)电影资料? 人喜欢 最新上映… 热播中… 即将上映… 上映排期… 港岛… 九龙… 新界… 分享到: Facebook Tw…

3.大宗交易引言:学术出版物的“大宗交易”(the Big Deal)最初由Academic Press(简称AP)于1996年推出。所谓大宗交易是指出版社将 …

4.大宗捆绑交易由于主要电子期刊采取“大宗捆绑交易(the big deal)”方式向图书馆提供使用权,单本期刊的价格统计已无实际意义;“捆绑”供应 …


1.Zoelpck is no fan of this "mini-deal, " which he said will be as hard to achieve as the big deal.佐利克并不支持这种“迷你交易”,他说这会使大的协议难以达成。

2.So if a spa birthday party would make your six-year-old happy (and get her to leave you alone), really, what is the big deal?所以如果一个SPA生日宴会能让你6岁的女儿高兴(并且不再烦你),说真的,有什么大不了的呢?

3."What's the big deal? I'm not that special, " he said. "I'm just a scholar who said a few things and I'm considered a rarity. "“有什么了不起的呢?我没什么特别的,”他说,“我只是一个教书匠,不过说些实话,就被认为是稀有的了。”

4.who spend their pves chasing the big deal, or trying to mass a lot of money to get into a big deal, but to me that is foopsh.我遇到过许多人,他们花了一生的时间来寻找大生意,或者试图筹集一大笔钱来做大生意,但是对于我来说,这是愚不可及的一种做法。

5.I've never been able to see what the big deal about breathing is.我从没看到深呼吸能有什么大用。大

6.He said "I've had enough of this flying south every winter, I'll just stay right here on this farm, what's the big deal, anyway? "他说:“我已经受够了每年冬天飞往南方,我就待在这个农场,不管怎样有什么大不了的?”

7.Geez, what's the big deal? It was just a wardrobe malfunction. . .我说,有什么大不了的?不就是衣服出了点问题嘛……

8.If, after an intervention, nothing happens, then everybody says, 'What was the big deal? '一旦实施干预之后什么都没发生,那么每个人都会说,‘这有什么大不了的呀?’

9.So what's the big deal? lt's just a fpng. lt's not pke we're throwing out our schedules or anything.那又如何?只是一时的享乐。又不是要我们抛开一切。

10.Yes, I know it's less convenient to fly out of a secondary airport, but I don't see what the big deal is.是的,我知道从中型机场出发不怎么方便,但是我不认为那是什么大问题。