




1.邀请信 邀请信 An Invitation Letter 邀请信 invitation letters 邀请信 An Invitation ...

2.邀请信函 ... 集资信函 Fund-raising Letters 邀请信函 Invitation Letters 其他公务信函 Other Business Letters ...

3.柬帖二、其他应用文(为应付不同场合需要)柬帖Invitation Letters)牌匾铭文(Inscription on Commemorative Stones and Com…


1.For students, bring transcripts, invitation letters, detailed research plans, or any other papers you think would be helpful.学生可以带成绩单、邀请信、详细的研究计划,或其它你认为有帮助的材料。

2.The invitation letters have gone out to the psted candidates, and you have the timing of the interview on this sheet here.邀请函已经寄给了各位候选人,这张单子上列出了面试的时间安排,我想大家已经看到了吧。

3.Prepare work permits and invitation letters for new expatriate employees and their family members to ensure their legal entry into China.为外籍员工及其家属办理工作许可和邀请函确保其正当来华。

4.Special invitation letters and direct mail, exhibitions regularly informed of progress.特刊与邀请函直邮,定期通报展览会的进展。

5.Apply or Renew working visa, invitation letters etc for International employees.为外籍员工申请或更新工作签证,按公司要求签发邀请函。

6.In addition, when someone wanted to have a meeting, he often wrote invitation letters to the guest in the formal way.而且当人们想要集会的时候,他们也往往很正式的写信给被邀请的客人。

7.And the Swiss Embassy have not been fax the invitation letters to them.而且瑞士使馆现在已经不需要把邀请信传真给他们了

8.Now we have a very short time so, I have to pay extra cost to other people for new invitation letters.现在我们的时间不多了,所以为拿到新的邀请信,我必须找别人并付出额外的费用。

9.over 1 , 000 invitation letters were sent to various stakeholder groups and interested parties . about 260 people attended the forum.我们向关注团体及有兴趣的组织发出超过1,000封请柬,约有260人应邀出席;

10.If the breeze Xin I ignore aquatic three too, he moves to view table ascend two kinds of invitation letters of different forms up.风间欣吾不理会水上三太的话,他将视线移到桌上两种不同形式的邀请函上。