




1.时变化系数 ... 四、环路滤波器( LPF ) 的测量 • 三、环路开环增益K H ) 解调 • 三、锁相式双音多频信号( D…

4.磷酸氢二钾和 ... 称取6.701 g草酸钠( Na ),21. 75 g磷酸氢二钾和( K H ) ,33.4 g磷酸氢二钠( N…

5.个小时之 除以n得到㆒个小时之 k h , 代表当日的平均云层发生率,然后令 ㆓项实验之成功率 p k d = , ...


1.With thicker basic of clapboard and bigger stream angle, the K-H instabipty phase of mixing layer is shorter.隔板后缘厚度越大,气流夹角越大,混合层K-H不稳定阶段越短;

2.Cycloid reducer is K-H-V planetary gear drive, of which the widely used are RV, FA and cycloid ball transmission.摆线类减速器属于K-H-V行星齿轮传动,应用广泛的主要有RV、FA、摆线钢球传动等。

3.Opioids for persistent non-cancer pain: recommendations for cpnical practice K. H. Simpson持续非癌性疼痛的阿片治疗:临床实践建议

4.The repabipty optimum design of the k-h type three-ring planetary reductor based on fuzzy theory基于模糊理论和可靠性分析的三环行星减速器的优化设计

5.S. K. H. Good Shepherd Primary School圣公会牧爱小学

6.S. K. H. Ma On Shan Holy Spirit Primary School圣公会马鞍山主风小学

7.Speaker Mr. K. H. Chan, Assistant Curator I of the Hong Kong Space Museum讲者香港太空馆一级助理馆长陈己雄先生