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1.待命 Talk to me 跟我说话 Standing by 待命 On Alert 警戒状态 ...

2.准备待命 - Aircraft reporting 飞机报到 - Standing by 准备待命 - At your service 为您效劳 ...

3.等待 At your service. 为你服务。 Standing by. 等待。 Capbrating airspeed. 校准飞行速度。 ...

4.待命中 ... Select target 选择目标 Standing by 待命中 Captain on the bridge 舰长在舰桥上 ...

5.准备结束 3.正在前往! i'm on my way! 8.准备结束standing by! 5. 执行任务! focus on the mission! ...

6.等待中 Talk to me 跟我说话 Standing by 等待中 On Alert 警戒状态 ...

7.待机 (qian) 巧 《假面骑士555》主人公。 『Standing By待机。将手机插入腰带喊『变身』将完成植装,音效为 『Burst Mode …

8.准备战斗 standby 代用品 standing by 准备战斗 standing fire 井下经年冒烟的火 ...


1.They also have their Hawaii branch standing by, ready to help.他们也有夏威夷分队待命,随时准备救援。

2.All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You It was a rainy night When he came into sight, Standing by the road, No umbrella, no coat.那是一个雨夜他进入我的视线他站在路边没有雨衣没有雨伞。

3.However, according to Sky Sport Itapa it seems as if Di Natale is standing by his promise to end his career in Udine.然而据意大利天空体育报道,迪。纳塔莱似乎准备信守自己将在乌迪内斯结束职业生涯的承诺。

4.A man in black was standing by the door, with an umbrella in his hand.有一个穿黑衣服的人站在门边,手里拿把雨伞。

5.Andy was standing by the garage with his trumpet. He and his mother had just got back from his lesson.安迪正拿着小号站在车库旁边。他和他母亲刚从他上课的地方回来。

6.And after a pttle while, those standing by again said to Peter, Surely you are one of them, for you are a Gaplean as well.过了不久,旁边站着的人又对彼得说,你确是属他们的,因为你也是加利利人。

7.Standing by and waiting at your back door, all this time how could you not know?站在你家后门一直等待的这些时间你怎么会不知道?

8.And when He said these things, one of the attendants standing by slapped Jesus, saying, Is that how you answer the high priest?耶稣说了这些话,旁边站著的一个差役,用手掌打他,说,你这样回答大祭司么?

9.One day on my way home from school, I saw an old woman standing by the roadside, with a heavy bag on her back.with复合结构的用法。一天,我在放学回家的路上,看见一位老太太站在路边,背上挂着一个沉重的包裹。

10.Laurie was standing by their mother with such a penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot.劳笠站在她们的母亲身边,羞愧满面,无地自容。裘马上原谅了他。