



adj. 确认的, 承认的动词acknowledge的现在分词形式


He walked right past me without even acknowledging me.


The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.


It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties.



形容词: acknowledgeable | 动词过去式: acknowledged | 动词过去分词: acknowledged | 动词现在分词: acknowledging | 动词第三人称单数: acknowledges |



形容词: acknowledgeable | 动词过去式: acknowledged | 动词过去分词: acknowledged | 动词现在分词: acknowledging | 动词第三人称单数: acknowledges |


admit | accept | concede | recognize | allow | reply | respond | answer | grant | confess | avow | greet | hail | nod | react | rejoin | return | salute | wave | testify | thank | appreciate | fulfil | make known | defer | make | known | own | recognise | know | notice | receipt |


disregard | deny | ignore |


动词 acknowledge:

declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of

同义词:admit, acknowledge

report the receipt of

同义词:acknowledge, receipt

express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with

同义词:notice, acknowledge

express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for

同义词:acknowledge, recognize, recognise

accept as legally binding and valid


accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority

同义词:acknowledge, recognize, recognise, know


1. He never condones sin but He is always ready to forgive those who come humbly to Him, acknowledging their sin and seeking forgiveness.


2. This is a note acknowledging proper receipt of goods.


3. Offshore Applications received prior to 1 September 2007. All applications with a valid payment have now been receipted. The ASPC is acknowledging applications received on 13 August 2007.


4. Other virtual worlds consultants were more circumspect in their criticism, while acknowledging the trend against working within Second Life.

? ? 当承认在sl中工作正呈反对趋势时,其他虚拟世界的顾问对他们的评论也更加谨慎。

5. JoeLaptops Inc receives the purchase order request from ACME and immediately sends back a message acknowledging receipt of the request.

JoeLaptops Inc从ACME接收购买订单请求,然后立即发回一个消息,告知请求收到。

6. Use of the capitalized form has the advantage of acknowledging the parallel with other ethnic groups and nationalities,such asItalian and Sioux.

See Usage Note at color 大写字母的好处在于对于其他种族和民族平等关系的承认,如意大利人 和 苏人。

7. An elderly priest is acknowledging that he was naked in saunas with Mark Foley decades ago, but denies having a sexual relationship with the former congressman, calling a report in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune exaggerated.


8. A parent after acknowledging and praising the As, can make clear his expectations of seeing all six As and offer help if needed.


9. An acknowledgment has business-defined depths.As a result, there is a difference between acknowledging the request receipt to TRANSFER-PAYMENT and acknowledging the completion of the transfer.


10. While acknowledging the importance and originality of some of Marx's analytical contributions, Schumpeter offers a threefold criticism of the Marxian system.


11. Acknowledging few or no good aspects; unfavorable


12. not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam


13. not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam.


14. The author provides a more balanced view than many previous biographers, acknowledging Hamilton’s great successes while exposing the controversies caused by his stubborn and inflammatory personality.


15. At the same time, China is increasingly acknowledging that it must find a way to mitigate the climate effects of its continued development.


16. Unlike McKinsey, the research council included transportation, acknowledging that it would be a difficult sector to transform quickly.


17. MH: Does that make sense? Your letting her work at UT again basically means that youre acknowledging her.


18. Chinese officials may be simply playing good politics with its neighbors, or acknowledging the yuan’s use outside its borders rather than actively promoting its currency.


19. Acknowledging Terry's goalscoring record, Mourinho said: “I prefer that he scores one goal that gives us three points than scores five or six in a game that we are controlling.


20. Acknowledging the new progress, application and current development about communication and information technology.


21. While emphasize Eliot and Auden’s modernism impact on him, ignore his romantic essence While acknowledging his early romanticism, think of Mu-dan as developing for modernism by romanticism.


22. He walked right past me without even acknowledging me.


23. They were forced to sign documents acknowledging that divulging information is punishable by death.


24. While acknowledging that he likes the players on a personal level and believes in the talent level, he admitted frustration over their inability to coalesce at any point in the 2005-06 season.


25. Acknowledging he is the underdog , Edwards is trying to convince voters he will fight for them.


26. God's invitations are just as consistent.He never condones sin but he is always ready to forgive those who come humbly to him, acknowledging their sin and seeking forgiveness.


27. He(1917)thoroughly marshalled the evideuce acknowledging China to be the native home of the peach.


28. "A" is for acknowledging or apprecitaing your value as a person, gifted with endowments of self-awareness, creative imagination, conscience, independence, will and multiple intelligence.


29. But "The sport could survive without Ferrari," Mosley told the Financial Times, although acknowledging the potential seriousness of the loss.


30. But he is acknowledging continued partisan gridlock in Congress.


31. But it is also worth acknowledging that these bumptious new economic powers have made the world more complicated for Western policymakers.


32. Obama says he seeing unprecedented consensus behind the effort, but he is acknowledging continue partisan redline in congress.


33. Obama, the .The president began his remarks by acknowleging acknowledging the storm of counterversy controversy his visit cause caused with the doze a dose of self-depricating self-deprecating humor.


34. It does imply acknowledging that what I am and what I do affects you, so that I am directly involved in your happiness and your misery.


35. But what they are acknowledging is a condition and not an identity.


36. But Japan's relations with its nearest neighbours are still bedevilled by problems of acknowledging its rapine wartime past.


37. As a family, it is important to find a balance between acknowledging the realities imposed by the illness and treatment and keeping patterns of living as close to normal as possible.


38. Plagiarism is taking other people's work without acknowledging it, that is, without saying where it comes from.


39. Microsoft seems to be alone among these three vendors in acknowledging that while key/value stores are great for scalability, they come at the great expense of data management, when compared to RDBMS.

你优先考虑的是随需应变的高端可扩性 -- 也就是说,那种通过简单的扩充所无法获得的大规模、分布式的可扩性。

40. You can include a short paragraph or two acknowledging limitations, suggesting implications beyond those in the paper.


41. A written or an oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense.


42. The Counter-clockwise Wing(The Shadow Point):#1Grounded by acknowledging and adhering to standards,policies,and procedures (which they tend to bend).


43. The Russian leader humiliatingly gave his former boss a decree to read out acknowledging the new order.


44. A certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt.


45. In 399 B.C.,at the age of seventy Socrates was put on trial on a charge of “injuring the city” by not acknowledging its gods and corrupting the young.


46. Sixth, warning category, time, acknowledging time and related information demonstration memory inquiry and printing.




48. Acknowledging your order of 6 February,we regret that we cannot ship until 16 Frbruary.


49. Gonzales and Card were furious, departing without even acknowledging Comey's presence in the room.


50. I think mathematics can benefit by acknowledging that the creation of good models is just as significant as proving deep theorems.


51. Analytical papers often include opposing views and even for argumentative papers, acknowledging an opposing viewpoint that is easily disproved by its counterpoint is always a good rhetorical tool.


52. Promotions are a mode of acknowledging employees' achievements in their work.


53. Quill exposes readers to an internally consistent and practical way of thinking by simultaneously embracing the potential of palliative care, and also acknowledging that it has limitations.

博士主轴透过同时包括姑息治疗的潜能把读者暴露在一种内部一贯和实际的思惟模式中, 以及承认它有限制。

54. BIHAR, India (CNN) -- The Indian government on Thursday revised the death toll from flooding in the northeastern state of Bihar from 87 to 47, acknowledging it had made a mistake in the tally.


55. Friendship is acknowledging that we are separate people, and celebrating it, while striving to close the distance.


56. The speaker, while acknowledging the writer's comment on essay test, points out that there's nothing wrong with memorization, for sometimes it is necessary.


57. Others in the British press have also come forward, acknowledging the anguish they felt.


58. Schools are understandably sensitive about acknowledging the embarrassing tie between money and admittance.


59. The viewpoints have some instructed for acknowledging and eliminating hump.


60. You cannot deconstruct the economics of selling sex without acknowledging that, sadly, many women who enter the trade, even at the high end, have at some point in their lives been victims of abuse.


61. a short note acknowledging receipt of sth.; receipt


62. The international governing body for basketball, FIBA, earlier had sent out a letter acknowledging Lampe's buyout clause with Real Madrid and clearing him to join the NBA.


63. The companies have also been unwilling to accept the pain of market prices in acknowledging delinquent loans.


64. Eva Gabor acknowledging the audience's cheers.


65. He was ultimately confirmed by the Senate, after acknowledging he made a tax mistake while serving abroad.


66. In the military arena, too, officials are disarmingly humble, acknowledging the stabilising presence of the US Pacific Fleet and playing down any notion that China's navy wants to project power.


67. Just thank you for acknowledging that players have had a point for awhile as to the unfairness inherent in priest racials.


68. During the business negotiation, it is very important that acknowledging objective and detailed information about the partner side and yourself.


69. Acknowledging and investigating the workings of unseen processes are essential to the growth of our understanding of social phenomena, and enable us to probe beyond the anthropocentric limitations.


70. In practical writing education,proper application of this form is very important effect on finding the relection between knowing and unknowing,acknowledging the thing essence.


71. Given the current circumstances, it is all the more important not to lose sight of the main advantages of Hong Kong while acknowledging its current economic difficulties and problems.


72. Begin by acknowledging the order as soon as possible after it has been received. Do respond straight away to show that you are a well-run, caring organization.


73. At the time, Apple apologized and credited customers with an additional 30 days of service after acknowledging that that part of the service didn't meet the definition of "push" synchronization.

在时间,苹果表示道歉,并记入客户额外30天的服务后确认,这部分服务不符合的定义, “推”同步。

74. Acknowledging this, Mr Karzai on the campaign trial has often been critical of foreign troops.


75. In the past, bosses often preferred to run a business down to its last yuan before acknowledging problems, at which point there was little to reorganise.


76. At the time of admission, all clients are required to sign a waiver acknowledging that they will not leave the clinic until they are "clean" or dead.


77. In any case, "where they are heard, they're viewed with suspicion because they promote the national viewpoint without acknowledging the diversity of listenership.


78. Developing wholeness We become whole by acknowledging all the hidden aspects of ourselves and by finding a new centre of consciousness, the true self.


79. While acknowledging the right of the United States to control its border, the Mexican president said the proposed fence is not the solution to the immigration problem.


80. A simple explaination to the Tao of Taichi is: "It is the way of acknowledging the nature of nature through understanding the exerciser's own body as well as the switch between Yin and Yang".
