



adv. 尖锐地, 剧烈地


He must have felt acutely disappointed when his job went to another man, but he never said a word; he took it right on the chin.



副词: acutely | 名词: acute-ness |


1. 尖锐地

2. 敏锐地

3. 剧烈地



副词: acutely | 名词: acute-ness |


very | intensely | highly | deeply | extremely | terribly | severely | sagaciously | shrewdly | astutely | sharply | sharp | sapiently |


chronically |


见:acute: acutely


副词 acutely:

in an acute manner

having a rapid onset

changing suddenly in direction and degree

同义词:sharply, sharp

in a shrewd manner

同义词:astutely, shrewdly, sagaciously, sapiently


1. One hundred and fifteen cases were in good health(85.3%)and the disease come on acutely.


2. The process of globalization has changed our life acutely form every aspect.


3. The result from comparing the characteristic of karyotype among Saussurea DC. shows which is a origin early and differentiation acutely genera.


4. "The poor little woman is very sensitive, you know, Alicia," the baronet said gravely, "and she feels your conduct most acutely.


5. Sleep is known to provide optimal neurobiological conditions for consolidation of memories for long-term storage, whereas sleep deprivation acutely impairs the retrieval of stored memories.


6. Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others,even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament,mood.


7. Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament, mood.


8. The report by two state health-care groups says the impact will be felt most acutely in overextended emergency rooms, where finding specialists for on-call duty is difficult today.


9. Two patients presented acutely less than 4 weeks after surgery with frank purulence draining from the incision area.


10. CIC, which has been acutely conscious of the political impact of Chinese funds arriving in unfamiliar markets, says it wants its investments to be passive, balanced and diversified.


11. After Sept 11 and the events that have since taken place in Singapore,the Government is even more acutely aware of the gap between the different ethnic groups here which needs to be bridged.


12. After Sept 11 and the events that have since taken place in Singapore, the Government is even more acutely aware of the gap between the different ethnic groups here which needs to be bridged.


13. Until courting couples learn this rule, girls will go on ending up with drawersful of unwearable slippery camisoles in lurid colours, and men with racks of acutely embarrassing ties.


14. They were acutely aware of the difficulties.


15. She was acutely awareof the noise of the city. They are politically very aware.


16. He was acutely observant and had a retentive memory. He was particularly good at capturing images and had an eye for minute detail.


17. But what made the news of his death so acutely disorienting was the fact that, on some level, so many of us thought that, eventually - albeit a few years behind schedule - he might actually do it.


18. He felt acutely the contrast between his own life and his friend's, and it seemed to him unjust.


19. He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents.


20. He must have felt acutely disappointed when his job went to another man, but he never said a word; he took it right on the chin.


21. He said that government was acutely aware of the problem.


22. Notoriously shy offstage, onstage he was electric and acutely attuned to what his fans craved.


23. But around age 14, Mr.Abas said, he became afflicted with a “neurosis” that made him acutely sensitive to the tiniest sounds, especially chewing and footsteps.


24. But rapid economic growth cannot be expected to last forever, and the party is acutely aware that, apart from its ability to deliver wealth to some, it lacks a strong legitimising force.


25. But the Scot is acutely aware the title race is far from over.


26. But, in all humility and acutely aware of our own faithlessness, we are bound to regard the situation of such people as anomalous, and to warn them of this fact.


27. To be restricted by resources and environment acutely now, as an essential role in the cyclic economy, the sustainable development of leading industries needs more guidance of cyclic economy.


28. As a buyer of outside legal services, Chandler, of course, is acutely aware that factors such as spiraling salaries paid to law firm associates can add to law firm bills.


29. The photographer as magician is acutely aware of the multiplicity of associations submerged in the appearance of the objective world.


30. You may not be quite conscious of your physiological functions, but when it comes to thoughts and feelings, desires and fears you become acutely self-conscious.


31. Your food, water, and sanitary facilities are acutely substandard.


32. To cause to feel pangs; distress acutely.


33. They are acutely aware, for example, of the importance of some psychological phenomena whose effects behavioural economists have only recently begun to explore.


34. Immunohistochemistry In both DO group and acutely lengthening group,A substantial increase in the expression of the VEGF and IGF-1 wasfound in the regenerated callus compared to the controls(p<0.01).

免疫组化染色在牵张成骨组和直接延长组中VEGF 和IGF-1 相对正常 对照组均呈显著高水平表达(p<0.01)。

35. These results suggested SD9902 stain of ALV-J was an acutely transforming virus, but SD9901, YZ9901 and YZ9902 stains were non-transforming viruses.


36. At 1.5 h,3.0h,4.5 h and 6.0h in the reperfusion period,the hippocampal CA1 neurons were dissociated acutely and dyed with Fura-2/AM.

再灌注组:制作大鼠的全脑缺血模型,并以再灌后分1.5、3.0、4.5、6.0 h 4个时间点进行观察;

37. Using domain model of glass-covered Co-rich amorphous wires,it can be explained by the magnetization process that the GMI becomes acutely with longer length.


38. Many, including the US, believe the renminbi's link to the falling dollar has left it acutely undervalued, giving China's export sector an unfair trade advantage.


39. Urban Beijing appears unaffected, doubtless to the relief of officials who are acutely sensitive to instability in the capital.


40. The advice was followed readily, for the feverish symptoms increased, and her head ached acutely.


41. To make it perfect is impossible and let people feel frustrated and nervous.Furthermore, it wastes your time acutely.


42. Alsoby his sensitive sights, he observes the social facts and life acutely.


43. It's at the north and south poles-- where ice cover is crumbling to slush-- that the crisis is being felt the most acutely.


44. Might even the most careful assessment miss signs of awareness in acutely brain-damaged, noncommunicative patients?


45. On the one hand, McClaren is acutely aware that a recall would be an embarrassing climbdown but, on the other, he knows it would be a popular decision.


46. It is also concluded that so far as multipath scattering is nonisotropic, the spatial correlation will acutely rises along with increasing of LOS power.


47. Compare these images with the diffusion-weighted MR images obtained acutely (below).


48. Leaves show bright yellow interveinal chlorosis, usually more acutely in apical areas and in younger leaves followed sometimes by bleaching and scorching.


49. Leaf blade usually undivided, rarely obscurely 3-lobed, linear, margin acutely dentate. Sepals usually bluish violet, vein anastomoses absent. Staminodes absent.


50. The students who are willing to make the sacrifice to attend Shield every Saturday tend to be acutely aware of just how high the stakes are, which is intimidating enough.


51. As the last part pf this thesis, the acutely dissociation and shortly culture of dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron from the cockroach Periplaneta Americana were primarily studied.


52. Even some kind of cartoon stab the activities of some people acutely, actually it is criti-cism for ourselves.


53. Mourinho suffers the pain of defeat as acutely as anyone on planet football but as he reviewed the action on the banks of the Weser river, he looked at the campaign as a whole.


54. Leel I Trauma Center.A Leel I trauma center is expected to proide the initial care to an acutely injured patient despite limitations in resources.


55. The nation was in a state of shock, and no one understood more acutely than Kennedy himself the need to restore perspective.


56. This is coronary atherosclerosis with the complication of hemorrhage into atheromatous plaque, seen here in the center of the photograph. Such hemorrhage acutely may narrow the arterial lumen.


57. The folks at Microsoft are acutely aware of the issues in this regard and are still formulating a better strategy.


58. Behind the specific complaints lies the deeper concern, felt particularly acutely in Washington.


59. In acutely isolated hippocampal slices, kainate application increased S100B secretion in a neural-activity-dependent manner.


60. Whole brain and regional cerebral flow responses to memory processing and acutely administered acetazolamide, a vasodilator, were assessed pretreatment and posttreatment.


61. Under the managed floating exchange rate regime,exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.

在管理浮动汇率制度下 ,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。

62. The pediatric registered nurses have advanced training in the care of acutely ill children.


63. TV broadcasters and colleagues in the audiovisual industries should be acutely aware of the business/employment opportunities that are inherent in their activities.


64. Giant economies do not face this problem so acutely because even when trade has been liberalised, imports naturally tend to be a lower share of GDP.


65. Most variances of time series have non-linear characteristics, that is, the variances change acutely sometimes, while they stay stable at other time.


66. We are not alone in our struggle, and we feel this acutely, and develop new patterns around it.


67. After her mother's death, she became acutely aware of her own mortality.


68. In people acutely infected with hepatitis B, the virus is usually cleared in that amount of time.


69. Babies are acutely tuned in to the human face and can even recognise basic facial features at birth.


70. Henke M,Bechtold C,Momm F,et al.Blood hemoglobin level may affect radiosensitivity-preliminary results on acutely reacting normal tissues[J].Int J Radiat Oncol Bid Phys,2000,48(2):339-345.


71. He imposes a kind of geometry on the field that makes you not only look at the object but also become acutely aware of the place it is in.


72. The shortage of jobs is felt most acutely by Sweden's fast-growing immigrant population.


73. Pigs acutely affected with swine dysentery should be medicated via the water.


74. To be acutely conscious of your body is it normal?


75. Nutlets acutely triquetrous, base cuneate, apex truncate.


76. Put forward acutely " the syndrome of science of market economy macro-control " , analysed a harm, open those who gave cure " formulary " .


77. Leaf blade base cuneate, margin acutely serrate. Drupe and endocarp subglobose to globose.


78. Leaf margin often acutely serrate; pome ovoid, attenuate at apex, not or slightly projected at apex.


79. Tail is set high on topline, bends acutely forward and lies well curled over to either side.


80. The dispenser's wake affects the drag of the submunition acutely.
