




1.平方英寸 平方英尺 square foot 平方英寸 square inch 平方厘米 square centimetre ...

2.平方寸 "spurious emission" 混附发射" "square inch" 平方寸" "square law" 平方定律" ...

3.平方公分 ... (square foot) 平方公尺/平方米(m (square inch平方公分/平方厘米 公分/厘米( centimeter/c…

4.平方口寸 mile 哩 square inch 平方口寸 centimetre 厘米 ...

5.帄方寸 spurious emission 混附发射 square inch 帄方寸 square law 帄方定律 ...


1.Actually, when I was small, I do not know how to stamp collecting, is a father, my mother put me into a colorful square inch of the world.其实在我年幼时,我并不懂得集邮,是爸爸、妈妈把我领进了五彩缤纷的方寸世界。

2.A multi-colored splatter pattern covers every square inch of a pair of iconic Levi's denim.一对李维斯牛仔图标以多色飞溅的方式覆盖了裤子的每一寸地方。

3.Now, researchers are on to phase two: turning that cellular glop into a square inch of honest-to-goodness muscle tissue.现在研究人员正在进行第二阶段:将这软胶性浓稠的半流体物发展成一平方英寸实实在在的肌肉组织。

4.And every square inch of her face was covered with bright red (except her pps of course)!她的脸上涂满了明亮的红色(除了嘴唇)。

5.At 4 pounds per square inch overpressure the damage to a loaded wooden boxcar was more severe .在每平方吋4磅的超压作用下,装有货物的木质车厢受到较严重的损坏。

6.I would square inch world, learned a wealth of knowledge, aware of a major events, to find happiness within my own!我在这方寸世界里,学到了丰富知识,知道了一件件重大事件,寻找到属于我自己的快乐!

7.The HD-Storm hurricane-rated door system withstands wind pressures of up to 80 pounds per square inch.HD抗风暴飓风门能承受高达每平方英寸80镑的风压。

8.Scrub the glass, working at all angles to clean the edges. Make sure to cover every square inch of the glass.用力搓洗玻璃,注意要多角度清洁各个边角。保证每寸玻璃都擦到。

9.Polar bears stay warm by laying on layers of fat up to seven inches thick beneath a coat of fur with nearly 10, 000 hairs per square inch.北极熊的皮毛每一平方英寸几乎就有10,000根毛发,而厚厚的皮毛下面还堆积有厚达7英寸的脂肪,这样北极熊就能使身体保持温暖。

10.Also, the water pressure is such that roughly the weight of a large car is borne by each individual square inch of surface area.另外,这里的水压很大,几乎达到每一平方英寸的海水面积承受一辆大型汽车的重量。