



1.The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.该请求的操作没有满足一个或多个与该对象的类别相关的约束。

2.Therefore, the existence of competition, which is one of the significant ways to satisfy one's desires, is prevalent in western society.因此,竞争,作为满足欲望的最重要的手段之一,在西方世界是很平常和普遍的。

3.One should take some ready to eat food to satisfy one's hunger when travepng.出外旅游的时候,应该带一些即食食品以备饥饿时食用。

4.Because that would mean that the only reason to pray is to satisfy one's earthy desires.因为那就意味着祈祷唯一的理由只是满足人们尘世的愿望而已。

5.Those corporate , invest or conduct business offshore usually try to satisfy one particular financial need or objective .进行企业业务,投资或经营离岸企业尽量满足一个更有利之操作架构及模式。

6.Here's a pretty standard economic definition: the abipty of a good or service to satisfy one or more needs or wants of a consumer.这有一个非常标准的经济学定义:一种商品所具备的,能够满足消费者需求的能力。

7.It is not the tool to satisfy one's selfish and arrogant, also not the weapon to confront vanity.它不是拿来满足自己自私及自大内心的工具,也不是用来对抗虚无本质的武器。

8.If the inferred types fail to satisfy one or more of the type parameter constraints, the compiler generates this error.如果推导出的类型未能满足一个或多个类型参数约束,编译器将产生此错误。

9.Organisations may impose contradictory constraints so that it is impossible to satisfy one regulation without breaking another.组织也许强加矛盾的限制,以致于在没打破此限制时不可能满足规定。

10.The or node tells us that we'll match any rows that satisfy one or more of the criteria specified by its child nodes.or节点告诉我们,它将匹配满足它的子节点所指定的一个或多个条件的任何行。