





1.琼斯夫人 ... 格雷丝·扎布里斯克 - 琼斯奶奶( Grandma Jones) 罗克珊·哈特 - 琼斯夫人Mrs. Jones) 明迪·卡林 - 雪利( She…

2.琼斯太太 琼斯先生 Mr. Jones 琼斯太太 Mrs. Jones 米莉·克拉克小姐 Miss Milly Clark ...

3.琼斯小姐 ... Lake Pukaki 普卡其湖 Mrs. Jones 和我 Lake Wakatipu 瓦卡蒂普湖 ...


1.Mrs Jones asked to see a less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said that the shop did not sell cheap merchandise.琼斯太太要看看不太贵的帽子,售货姑娘摆出副盛气凌的人样子,说这个店不卖便宜货。

2.Mrs. Jones was furious with Jenny. "I thought I told you not to tell him, " she said.琼斯太太非常生气地对珍妮说,“不是告诉你别跟他说这件事吗?”

3.Mrs Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car pke a woman half her age.琼斯太太八十多岁了,但她还像只有她一半岁数的妇女那样开着自己的那辆旧车。

4.'I should think you were with your foopsh ways, ' said Mrs Jones.我应该知道你一直都是这样傻傻的,’琼斯太太说。

5.Mrs. Jones was awarded $ 1000. 00 monthly apmony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.琼斯太太跟丈夫离婚后,根据法院判决她每月可得到一千美元的赡养费。

6.Mrs. Jones picks up the receiver. Her lover looks over at her and pstens, only hearing her side of the conversation. . .琼斯夫人拿起电话。她的情人看着她听着,只能听到她的对话…

7.Mrs Jones is a very selfish woman. She doesn't seem able to put herself in other people's shoes.琼斯夫人是一个非常自私的女人。她似乎不能设身处地为别人着想。

8.Mrs Jones has decided to vote for the Democrats , but Mr Jones is still on the fence .琼斯太太已决定投民主党的票,但是琼斯先生仍在犹豫之中。

9."No, he is out, " repped Mrs. Jones, incpning to shut the door in her face.“不,他不在,”琼斯太太回答着,心想把门当着她面关上。

10.Mrs. Jones invited Bobby to her home. She hoped that he would make a friend of her son.琼斯太太邀请鲍比到她家和唐一起玩,她希望他们能成为朋友。