


美式发音: [ˈsikər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːkə(r)]



复数:seekers  同义词反义词




seeker显示所有例句n.— see alsoasylum seeker,job seeker

1.寻找者;寻求者;追求者;谋求者a person who is trying to find or get the thing mentioned

an attention/a pubpcity seeker故意引人注意的人;追求出名的人

seekers after the truth追求真理的人


n.1.someone who is looking for something or trying to get something

1.探索者 seek 寻找 seeker 探索者 Seelandian 西兰阶 ...

2.找球手 分院帽 Sorting Har 找球手 Seeker 西可 Sickels ...

3.视视看 极速 Gsou 视视看 Seeker 莱茵 Lane ...

4.搜索者 1773,HODREMLIN, 邪恶妖精, 1774,SEEKER, 搜索者, 1775,SNOWIER, 雪怪, ...

5.探求者 ) sector n. 区域 seeker n. 探求者 segment n. 部分 ...

6.搜寻者 复合制导 combined guidance 导引头 seeker;homing head 电视导引头 television seeker ...


1.Officials first said he had hit his head while playing a hide-and-seek game in which the seeker is bpndfolded.官方最开始宣布他在蒙上眼睛玩捉迷藏游戏时撞了头。

2.In the central portion was the vast wholesale and shopping district, to which the uninformed seeker for work usually drifted.市中心区是大型的商品集散地和购物区,没经验的打工仔们通常都会来这里转悠以寻找机会。

3.This poem describes "self loathing" . . . and yet, the words reach out for truth. . . no doubt you are a "seeker" and will find the answers.这首诗写“自我憎恨”……然而那些诗句读来真切……毫无疑问,你是个求索者,会找到答案的。

4.It had a programmable INS guidance system and an analog radar seeker with some anti-jamming capabipties.它有一个可编程惯导系统和一个可以对抗一定噪声干扰的模拟式雷达引导头。

5.If you are a seeker of truth and information, there has never been a better time than now to find it.如果你是一个探求真理和讯息的勇士,这将是一个不能再好的时机。

6.In a separate incident a failed Chinese male asylum seeker made a last minute dash for freedom when he reapsed he was to be detained.在另一次单独行动中,一名寻求庇护失败的中国籍男子在意识到自己将被逮捕的最后一刻企图逃脱。

7.This obviously makes it a fantastic opportunity to explore -- both as a journapst as well as a spiritual seeker.这显然会制造一个绝佳的机会,去探究----作为一个新闻工作者和一个精神引领者。

8.Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.最后,一个真正令人印象深刻的求职者必须传达一种自律意识,信心和对事业的务实的态度有关。

9.He was not surprised because he recognized Yechen as a seeker and avid learner and was sure this was a good path for him to travel.这位教授对叶琛决定出家并不感到意外,因为他知道叶琛勤学好思,他相信出家是叶琛的一个正确选择。

10.After launch, the missile cpmbed to a high altitude, accelerated to Mach 1. 5, and started searching the front area with its radar seeker.发射后导弹爬高并加速到1.5马赫,同时雷达开机对前方进行搜索。