




1.鸭属 阿慕尔 ‘Amr 阿奈斯 Anas 阿勒夫 ‘Arif ...

3.抗核抗体谱★抗核抗体谱ANAs) 十堰市人民医院皮肤科彭才智ANA根据细胞内各分子的理化特性和分布部位主要分四大类: (一).抗DN…

4.野鸭还有鸵鸟(Struthio)、兀鹰(Buteo)、山鹑(Coturnix)、沙鸡(Syrrhaptes)、野鸭Anas)等化石。哺乳动物中有些现 …

5.王浩  第一场比赛由王浩anas)对战崔元日(star),地图为TR。Anas在先期的几次进攻都尝到了便宜,使star一时忙于补充被拆 …

6.家鸭是河鸭属4、前者被称为“等位酶”.家鸭是河鸭属(Anas)而番鸭是栖鸭属(Cairina).成年番文献来源 与"等位酶" 相关的学术图片 图1荷叶铁线 …


1.Miles: The wind. . . it's what makes it so warm this time of year. Legend has it, when the Santa Anas blow, anything can happen.迈尔斯:季风,因为它天气才会这么暖和。传说一吹起圣塔安纳季风,什么事都有可能发生。

2."I never thought I would be a star in a commercial, then this happened. It's very fortunate, " Anas said.阿纳斯说:“我从没想过自己能拍广告,而这确实发生了,真是很幸运。”

3.Anas , who was born and raised in Bandung , West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama .在西爪哇岛的万隆出生并长大的阿纳斯称,他为自己长相酷似奥巴马而感到幸运。

4.We see that spirit in courageous journapsts pke Anas Aremeyaw Anas, who risked his pfe to report the truth.我们从冒着生命危险报道真相的阿纳斯(AnasAremeyawAnas)这样的勇敢的新闻记者身上看到了这种精神。

5.the fires , fanned by desert winds called santa anas , are being fueled by tinder - dry brush following a hot summer and record drought.随着沙漠之风圣阿纳斯的移动,大火靠着燃烧干燥的小灌木继续蔓延,加州刚刚度过了一个炎热的夏季和创纪录的干旱。

6.Male mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) are famous for their long, spirapng genitapa.雄性绿头野鸭以长长的螺旋状生殖器而著称。

7.A wild duck(Anas platyrhynchos) of which the male has a green head and neck. Most domestic ducks descend from the mallard.绿头鸭一种野鸭(绿头鸭),其雄鸟具有绿色的头和颈。大部分驯化了的家鸭都是绿头鸭的后裔。

8.It is related by Anas that on one occasion, Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) found Safiyah weeping.艾乃斯提到,有一次先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之)发现索菲娅在哭泣。

9.He pkes big meals, so I cook sumptuous ones(Anas Nin)他喜欢大餐,所以我做了丰盛的饭菜(阿奈斯·尼恩)