




1.貣血战员有权提出司法覆核,但他认为如果现时强行立法,会引貣血战bloody fight)。经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍堃表示,若两 …

2.烈血风云 点指贼贼 Imaginary Suspense 烈血风云 Bloody Fight 烟花泪 Tears of a Prostitute ...

3.血斗《血斗》(Bloody Fight)YYeTs_韩剧精灵[RMVB]《另一个女人》(The Other Woman)[DVDRip] 《树上的父亲》(The Tree)伊甸 …


1.The dark world, everywhere in the foreseeable werewolves and vampires Sima bite and bloody fight in Howl, died.黑暗的世界里,到处都可见狼人与吸血鬼在血腥的嘶咬和拼杀中嚎叫、死去。

2.The two gangs got into a bloody fight late last night.这两个帮派昨天深夜火拼。

3.Even if it proves such sceptics wrong, it will have a bloody fight on its hands.即使能够证明这些疑虑都是杞人忧天,一场血战也是在所难免。

4.Each movement is an actual combat, is a bloody fight.每一个动作都是一次实战,都是一次血与肉的搏斗。

5.Male wolves, for example, may have a bloody fight to decide who will lead the pack. But the loser just pes down on his back and surrenders.比如,公狼要靠一场惨烈的打斗来决定谁是领头,可失败的狼也只是躺倒投降。

6.RARE good news in the bloody fight against narcotics gave drug warriors in the Americas reason to boast on June 22nd.6月22日发生的流血缉毒战没有取得战果,这让美洲的毒枭们有理由吹牛。

7.After the bloody fight, he went to school as usual as if nothing had happened.经过留学争斗之后,他去了学校,好像什么都没有发生过一样。

8.After the bloody fight, he went to school as if nothing had happened.经过流血争斗之后,他去了学校,好像什么都没有发生过一样。