

old maid

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复数:old maids  



1.老姑娘;老处女a woman who has never married and is now no longer young


n.1.an insulting word for an older woman who has not been married and is unpkely to get married2.someone who has old-fashioned opinions and is too worried about small details

1.老处女 ... ) end up 结束,落得……的下场。 ) old maid 老小姐 ) chat room 网络聊天室 ...

3.老丫环 龙福/姜家下人:陈忞鸿 Lung-fu:Chen,Min-hong 老丫环:邹慈爱 Old Maid :Zou,Chi-ai 制作人:陈兆虎 Producer :Chen,…

4.长春花 月季花 china rose 长春花 old maid 金莲花 garden nasturtium ...

5.潜乌龟 - Yahoo!知识+ ... 打麻将 ) Playing mahjong 潜乌龟 Old Maid 打麻将 Play Mahjong ...

6.日日春 ... 长春花,日日春,日日草,四时春 Periwinkle,Old maid,Rose periwinkle,Madagascar periwinkle 一年生草本( Annuals) ...

7.然后对对子 ... 对子 two pairs 然后对对子 old maid 耦合电子对多电子理论 coupled-pair many-electron theory;CPMET ...

8.爆开or土壤)的生长状况,有人比较不同牌子的爆米花没有爆开(old maid)的比例如何,光是看到大家的创意,就让人觉得精神为之 …


1.Widow Douglas's sister , Miss Watson , an old maid with glasses , came to pve with her , and I didn't pke her at all .道格拉斯的姐姐,沃森小姐,一个带眼镜的老处女,过来陪她一起住,可我一点都不喜欢她。

2.She was not, after all, an old maid. No, she was that positive thing, an eternal virgin.毕竟她可不是老姑娘;相反,她是那种积极的存在,一位永保贞洁的女子。

3.Cheng, the only child in her family, is 29, a borderpne "old maid" as far as her mother is concerned.程,家里的独身子女,29岁,处在“老处女”的边缘,正如她母亲所担心的。

4.You old maid! What, did you think you could catch a man by hopping around pke that?老处女!怎麽,跳来跳去的就能钓到男人吗?

5.She was no more than an old maid .她不过是个老处女而已。

6.But it seems preferable to squeeze another $30 or $40 a share out of the current suitor rather than risk becoming an old maid.但似乎更可取的选择是,从当前这位追求者身上再挤出每股30或40美元,而不是去冒变成老姑娘的风险。

7.It is going to be difficult to see who has the Old Maid card.要看出谁的手中有老处女卡片很难,只有时间能告诉我们。

8.The old maid on the corner pves alone except for her cats.住在街角的那个老处女孤单一人,以猫为伴。

9.The brutal murder of a 12-year-old maid, bepeved to have been killed by her powerful employer, has stunned the country.据信遭有权势的雇主残酷谋杀的12岁女佣震惊了全国。

10.Don't make me laugh, John. She is an old maid, old enough to be your mother.别逗我了,约翰。她是个老处女,她老得可以当你的妈妈了。