



[ administering ]

vt.管理, 执行, 给与, 用(药) vi.执行管理人职责, 给与帮助


The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.

法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义), 惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。

He administer a large pension fund.


The courts administer the law.


The priest administered the last rites.



形容词: administrable | 动词过去式: administered | 动词过去分词: administered | 动词现在分词: administering | 动词第三人称单数: administers |



形容词: administrable | 动词过去式: administered | 动词过去分词: administered | 动词现在分词: administering | 动词第三人称单数: administers |



动词 administer:

work in an administrative capacity; supervise

同义词:administer, administrate

administer ritually; of church sacraments


administer or bestow, as in small portions

同义词:distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out

give or apply (medications)

同义词:administer, dispense


1. When it comes to administering insulin, many people prefer an insulin pen over the standard syringe and vial because they find pens more convenient and more accurate.


2. Administering and Automating Microsoft SQL Server? 2005 Databases and Servers?


3. Has successfully taken the NPAP examination of Network Administ (Network Administration Technology) on Oct 1 2006, and passed the examination as an Network Administ.


4. In the 2 cases with administering of Fk506 when CsA was stopped, ALT and BIL recovered after treatment for 1 month.

2例无效 ,将CsA改为FK5 0 6后 1个月后 ,肝功能指标逐渐恢复正常。

5. In diabetic mice, the fasted and ad lib blood glucose after administering CPS orally 2h,4h were lower than that of control group(P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively).

2种糖尿病模型动物服用CPS后,各时点血糖水平较对照组显著下降(P <0 . 0 5 )。

6. Preventive administering MEL can relieve IARF.The effect is dose-dependent.


7. OpenAFS tries to take the pain out of installing and administering software that makes differing file systems cooperate.


8. Reporting Services includes server components and client components for authoring reports and models, and for administering a report server.

Reporting Services包括用于创作报表和模型以及管理报表服务器的服务器组件和客户端组件。

9. Team Foundation Server includes five command-line utilities to help you in administering and authoring work item types.

Team Foundation Server提供了五个可帮助您管理和创作工作项类型的命令行实用工具。

10. WHM allows you to but is not limited to administering individual accounts, reseller accounts &performing basic system and control panel maintenance via a secure interface.


11. "If these results are validated, physicians might want to test pancreatic cancer patients for HBV before administering chemotherapy," said senior author James Abbruzzese, M.


12. Several types of plans are available which minimize the paperwork involved in establishing and administering such a plan.


13. After a minute of this touching, the researchers threatened the abdomen of the mannequin with a knife while administering a common physiological stress test.


14. The basic policies of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy will remain unchanged.


15. Research from the Uniersity of Bristol has shown that our ability to recognise certain tastes can be improed by administering drugs usually gien for depression.


16. Improperly administering code access security (CAS) policy can potentially create security weaknesses.


17. We will support him with our best efforts for our country and we pray that God may guide his hand during the next four years in the supreme task of administering the affairs of the people.


18. Are there any precautions when administering this new vaccine for my child?


19. Technological measures basen on the recrystallization and reasonable boiling system, and strict administering method are introduced.


20. Mr. Joe always took explanations upon herself, said snappishly "Escaped. Escaped." administering the definition like Tat water.


21. Mrs. Joe always took explanations upon herself, said snappishly "Escaped! Escaped!" administering the definition like Tat water.


22. II. The administering office of these Guidelines is the Education Bureau of the KCG.


23. They killed many upright civil and military officials as well as ordinary people by framing up cases against tham and by administering inhuman corporal punishment to them.


24. He recommends checking references and administering personality tests to weed out(10) those who are "really low on agreeableness and emotional stability.


25. They tore him from his hiding-place, and the combatants forced this frightened man to serve them, by administering blows with the flats of their swords.


26. They have complete faith in the ability of Hong Kong people in administering Hong Kong; and have pledged their full support for us.


27. He solicited the advice of various tribal chieftains, asking them to recommend to him talented leaders to help with administering the affairs of the land.


28. He remained there for a fortnight, preaching, administering the sacrament, teaching, exhorting.


29. Researchers recommend checking references and administering personality tests to weed out those who are "really low on agreeableness and emotional stability.


30. He imagines Ryder in the witness box,swheresthe court clerk is administering the oath on the Bible that is customary before a person gives testimony.


31. Day and night he watched me, administering sedatives when the pain was too great.


32. He had gathered, as an industrious man always at his post, a chief share in administering the town charities.


33. The rule of virtue is the basic general plan on administering country in power, the construction of sincerity is an important content of it.


34. The foregoing shall, however, only apply if the claimant has access to the Court administering the fund and the fund is actually available in respect of his claim.


35. But the get away in this Korea big plutocrat has not traded completely from interior and administering scandal, met bribery scandal again.


36. The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it.


37. The annual influenza vaccine, for example, is made by inactivating that year's strains of influenza virus and administering the killed viruses to people through a shot in the arm.


38. Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam?


39. DaVita Inc., one of the chains, stated in its 2006 annual report that one-fourth of its net operating revenue comes from administering the drug.


40. S.H.Khoo, Jeanette Bond and David W.Denning: Administering amphotericin B-a practical approach (Review).


41. Doctors facing the same phenomenon in SARS patients tried to quell the storm by administering interferon and cytokine-suppressing corticosteroids.


42. The physician should consult with the local poison control center before administering an antidote unless he or she has ample experience with specialized poison treatment.


43. If a medical treatment unit discovers a case of poisoning in relation to a drug, it must immediately report it to the department administering health in that area.


44. The other way round, tax revenue has become an important company administering mechanism.


45. The property obtained by the trustee through administering, using or disposing of the trust property or by other means falls within trust assets.


46. In administering the trust property, the trustee shall be careful in performing his duties and fulfill his obligations with honesty, good faith, prudence and efficiency.


47. Alternatiely, after administering succinylcholine for intubation high concentrations of isoflurane could be administered to proide a satisfactory degree of muscle relaxation.


48. This is treated by administering cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive agents.


49. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.


50. Therefore, administering morphine sulfate is the priority action.


51. The Pharmacopoeia Committee of the department of the State Council administering health is the body responsible for handling the setting and revision of national drug standards.


52. The national federations administering those sports are affiliated to them.


53. The SFDA shall take charge of supervising and administering drug recalls of the whole nation.


54. The International Federations (IFs) are international non-governmental organizations recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as administering one or more sports at world level.


55. According to the IMF, administering BOP support should help to create a macroeconomic climate more conducive to Sri Lanka receiving support from other donors.


56. In some places Naxalites have, in effect, replaced the state, running local affairs through their own councils, and administering their own rough justice.


57. The doctors who had been dining at the club acted as doctors, administering cpr and dressing wounds like battlefield medics.


58. At its Washington office, young employees in their 20s and early 30s are doing a brisk business designing Web sites for clients, running blogs and administering email groups.


59. When administering first aid, take precautions to protect yourself and the passenger to reduce the risk of becoming infected.


60. In this case in an epileptic seizure, in Milgram's study, it was the electrical shocks participants themselves were administering.


61. After administering epinephrine, have the person take an antihistamine pill if he or she is able to do so without choking.


62. Hold the infant in cradle position when administering nose drops.


63. Teams investigating recent deaths within the community have determined that some families providing care in their homes are administering injections to patients.


64. In these experimental enterprises, a somewhat more standard limited liability system, corporation property system and corporation administering structure have been established.


65. In the sycamores there was an uproar of linnets, sparrows triumphed, woodpeckers climbed along the chestnut trees, administering little pecks on the bark.


66. Differential treatment of parties who are similarly situated raises questions as to whether the agency is administering its program in a fair, impartial, and competent manner.


67. Her duties included housecleaning, administering medicine, assisting her to take a bath.


68. You might consider administering policy on this level when you are a user on a corporate network and believe that the security settings are not tight enough.


69. If you are administering a policy that affects every workstation and user in your enterprise, make the policy additions on the enterprise level.


70. If so, it didn't work, which is why he had to confess to administering Propofol." Murray, 56, denies mistreating Jackson.


71. The guiding thought of Synopsis of the Golden Chamber is holism and the theories of viscera and meridians is the core of identifying patterns and administering treatment.


72. Customer will receive a password and account to use in connection with administering the End User Accounts of its End Users and the Start Page.


73. Customer will receive a password and account to use in connection with administering the End User Accounts (and the Start Page, if enable by Customer).


74. In nuclear medicine, there are well-established guidelines for administering radiopharmaceutical doses for adults.


75. Developing, charting, administering, and monitoring the actual job and tasks that are necessary to be performed by all project participants and functionalities.


76. To induce or evaluate an immune response in (an organism) by administering a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized.


77. In the control group, 43 patients were treated with ceforuxime injection administering 2.5 g, iv, bid and clalithromycin 0.25 g, po,bid for 14 d.


78. For Gates,the issues raised by thin client are mainly about administering remote PCs and distributing software.


79. For Gates, the issues raised by thin client are mainly about administering remote PCs and distributing software.


80. And it turns out that in mice, the problem can be eased by administering a cancer drug.
