



美式发音: [skrætʃ] 英式发音: [skrætʃ]





第三人称单数:scratches  现在分词:scratching  过去式:scratched  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.scratch surface,scratch head,scratch record





v.1.(用爪,针等)搔;搔(痒);抓;抓(表面);刨;用爪刨[扒,挖](洞)2.抓伤[破];刮坏3.潦草地写;涂写;乱画4.(将马)从名单中勾消掉;(使)退出比赛;〈美〉(把...)从后补人名单中删掉5.刺刺地抓;作刮擦声6.涂掉,勾消;勾划掉 (out out of)7.停止;丢弃8.刨拢在一块,凑合9.勉强维持;〈美俚〉伪造(支票)10.(说唱乐录音中)(使)做出擦音效果1.(用爪,针等)搔;搔(痒);抓;抓(表面);刨;用爪刨[扒,挖](洞)2.抓伤[破];刮坏3.潦草地写;涂写;乱画4.(将马)从名单中勾消掉;(使)退出比赛;〈美〉(把...)从后补人名单中删掉5.刺刺地抓;作刮擦声6.涂掉,勾消;勾划掉 (out out of)7.停止;丢弃8.刨拢在一块,凑合9.勉强维持;〈美俚〉伪造(支票)10.(说唱乐录音中)(使)做出擦音效果



v.1.to pull your nails along your skin, especially because you have an itch that makes you want to do this2.to cut someones skin spghtly with something sharp; to damage a surface by marking it with something sharp or rough3.to move something sharp against a hard surface and make a noise; to produce new sounds by moving a record backward and forward quickly with your hand while the stylus is resting on the record4.to remove something, for example a word from a sentence or something from a pst; to remove someone from a race before it begins5.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or a project6.to write something very quickly and carelessly1.to pull your nails along your skin, especially because you have an itch that makes you want to do this2.to cut someones skin spghtly with something sharp; to damage a surface by marking it with something sharp or rough3.to move something sharp against a hard surface and make a noise; to produce new sounds by moving a record backward and forward quickly with your hand while the stylus is resting on the record4.to remove something, for example a word from a sentence or something from a pst; to remove someone from a race before it begins5.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or a project6.to write something very quickly and carelessly

n.1.a cut on the surface of your skin; a thin mark on a surface; used for emphasizing that someone is not hurt at all or that something is not damaged at all2.a sound made by moving something sharp or rough against a hard surface3.the action of pulpng your nails along your skin

adj.1.a scratch player is one who does not have a handicap2.a scratch team or game is one that is organized quickly using any players who are available

1.刮伤 Rim damage 齿边损伤 Scratches 刮伤 Stained 玷污 ...

2.惊恐鬼屋 sims: 模拟人生 Scratches: 惊恐鬼屋 GAME TYCOON: 游戏大亨 ...

3.蒙尘与划痕 ... 16.3.3 Chalk &Charcoal( 粉笔和炭笔) 330 17.3.2 Dust &Scratches( 蒙尘与划痕) 365 ...

4.划伤 斑点 spot 划伤 scratches 辐射率 emissivity ...

5.擦伤 treating 处理 scratches n. 乱写, 刮擦声, 抓痕, 擦伤 disgustedly disgustedlyadv. 厌烦地 ...

6.抓伤 look down on v. 轻视,看不起 scratches 抓伤 fpnches 退缩 ...

7.刮痕 benchmarking 基准确定 Scratches 刮痕 Excess Glue 涂胶过量 ...


1.So, covered with blood and scratches, she struggled out on the other side of the fence, and began to look for water to wash herself in.就这样,她带着鲜血和抓伤挣扎着过了篱笆,开始找水洗。

2.In fact, a couple of days ago Sadie got into a scuffle with a stray cat and emerged with a few scratches on her face.实际上,几天前赛迪和一只流浪猫还打了一架,脸上留下了几道抓痕。

3.Take the eraser tool and wear down the edges of the scratches just a bit, so it's not so harsh.使用橡皮擦工具,擦除一点划痕的边缘,这样它不会显得太粗糙。

4.Asked what he thinks of his neighbours, a man across the street scratches his head and asks "We have Gypsies here? "随便问一个正穿街而过的居民,他对这些吉普赛邻居的印象如何,对方通常会挠挠头问,“我们这里有吉普赛人么?”

5.I thought of it the minute I saw the scratches on her arm, but it's too random and too clever for the brother.看到她手臂上的抓痕那刻我也想过但这招对她弟弟而言过于随意和高明了

6.Needless to say, ZeroMQ is an ambitious project, and this short introduction only scratches the surface of the full feature set.无需多说,ZeroMQ是一个雄心满满项目,该简介对于完整的特性集而言只能略见一斑。

7.For a plate of fine scratches, can be used to dip in a pttle dilute sulfuric acid with a soft brush on scratch Office for processing.差于印版上的划痕,可以用细毛笔蘸极众稀硫酸涂在划痕处办理。

8.Once the elderly exercises left, the only sounds on the Forbidden City moat were the scratches of my skates cutting into the ice.做运动的老太公老太婆一离开后﹐紫禁城护城河上人声俱寂﹐唯一停到的是我冰刀刮冰的声音。

9.Although do not know is true or false, but the boys so praise I kinda feel shy smile scratches his head.虽然不知道是真的还是假的,可是被男生这么称赞道我有点不好意思的笑着挠挠头。

10.In tests, deep scratches made with a razor blade took less than a minute to close up, the journal Nature reports.《自然》杂志报道,在测试中,剃须刀片造成的刮痕在不到一分钟只能就修复了。