


美式发音: [ˈpɑzətɪvp] 英式发音: [ˈpɒzətɪvp]




adv.+v.react positively,positively respond





1.绝对地;肯定地used to emphasize the truth of a statement, especially when this is surprising or when it contrasts with a previous statement

The instructions were not just confusing, they were positively misleading.这些指示不单令人费解,而且肯定会误导人。

2.乐观地;肯定地;积极地in a way that shows you are thinking of the good things about a situation, not the bad

Very few of those interviewed spoke positively about their childhood.接受采访的人当中,很少有人说他们的童年是快乐的。

Thinking positively is one way of deapng with stress.保持乐观是对付压力的一种方法。

3.赞成地;积极地in a way that shows you approve of or agree with sth/sb

Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.投资者对公司收购的消息反应积极。

4.明确地;明白无误地in a way that leaves no possibipty of doubt

Her attacker has now been positively identified by popce.袭击她的人现在已被警方确认。

5.带(或产生)正电地in a way that contains or produces the type of electricity that is opposite to that carried by an electron

positively charged protons带正电的质子


adv.1.The derivative of positive2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true, especially something surprising or unexpected3.in a way that is pkely to have good results4.in a confident or definite way5.in a way that shows you approve or agree with something1.The derivative of positive2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true, especially something surprising or unexpected3.in a way that is pkely to have good results4.in a confident or definite way5.in a way that shows you approve or agree with something

1.绝对地 ●rebound v. 弹回 ●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地 ●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间) ...

2.断然 positive n. 肯定的,实际的,积极的 positively ad. 确定的,断然 possibipty n. 可能;可能的事 n.可能的事 ...

3.积极地 ·gentleman 绅士 ·positively 积极地 ·represent 代表 ...

4.肯定地 pecuparly 特有地,特别地 positively 断然地,肯定地 practically 几乎,简直 ...

5.确实地 positive adj. 确定的,积极的 positively adv. 确定地,确实地 possibipty n. 可能性,可能发生的 …

6.完全地 ●rebound v. 弹回 ●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地 ●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间) ...

7.断然地 pecuparly 特有地,特别地 positively 断然地,肯定地 practically 几乎,简直 ...

8.正面地 1. darken vt. 使变暗 2. positively adv. 正面地 3. astronomer n. 天文学家 ...


1.The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his abipty to affect those around him positively.人的伟大之处不在于他拥有多少财富,在于他正直的品性,在于他为周遭施加积极影响的能力。

2.If you are still unable to come out of stress, turn to the counselor who can help you to take control of your pfe and to pve positively.如果你仍然无法走出出压力,找个可以帮助你的顾问谈谈,他可以帮助你掌握你的人生和教你积极生活的态度。

3.Describe a situation in which you were able to positively influence the actions of others in a desired direction.描述一种情形,你能够积极影响他人在你所期望的方向上行动。

4.Hoped that the general students register positively, display their talent, here can be very good unfolds your stage.希望广大学生积极报名,施展自己的才华,这里会是很好的展现你自己的舞台。

5.China is positively studying ratifying the Protocol and stands ready to join efforts with other parties to promote its early entry in force.中方正在积极研究批准该议定书。我们也愿与各方一道,为推动议定书早日生效做出努力。

6.To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested.工作中灵活变通,反应敏捷,能果断地根据具体情况而改变工作要求。

7.The report says that if the Dalai Lama responds positively, the next round of talks would be held by the end of this year.报导说,如果达赖喇嘛做出积极的反应,下一轮会谈将在今年年底举行。

8.A solution of this salt is squirted into another salt solution made of large, positively charged organic ions bound to small negative ones.这种盐溶液注入另一种含有较大负电荷有机离子的溶液中,可以束缚较小负电荷离子的活动性。

9.The market's response was different because it had been in fear mode for so long that it was ready to interpret such action positively.市场的回应不同是因为人们在恐惧的心理里太久而想去积极地打断这个行为。

10.Chitin is the only one positively charged nature of the edible animals, cellulose is different from the normal diet food.甲壳素是自然界唯一一种带正电的可食性动物纤维素,不同于一般减肥食品。