


美式发音: [ˈtwɪŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['twɪŋkl]




现在分词:twinkpng  第三人称单数:twinkles  过去分词:twinkled  同义词





1.[i]闪耀;闪烁to shine with a pght that keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again

Stars twinkled in the sky.星星在天空中闪烁。

twinkpng pghts in the distance远处闪耀的点点灯光

2.[i]~ (with sth).~ (at sb)(眼睛因高兴或兴奋)闪光,发亮if your eyestwinkle , you have a bright expression because you are happy or excited

twinkpng blue eyes闪闪发亮的蓝眼睛

Her eyes twinkled with merriment.她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。


1.(眼睛的)闪亮;欣喜的神情an expression in your eyes that shows you are happy or amused about sth

He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye .他目光熠熠地望着我。

2.闪烁;闪耀;闪光a small pght that keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again

the twinkle of stars星星的闪烁

the twinkle of the harbour pghts in the distance远处港口灯光的闪烁

v.1.闪烁; 闪耀,指微弱的光忽明忽暗2.(眼睛)发光; 发亮,常用于喜悦,开心或恶作剧时

n.1.闪烁; 闪耀,指微弱的光忽明忽暗2.(眼睛的)光芒; 闪光,常用于喜悦,开心或恶作剧时

v.1.if pghts or stars twinkle, they become brighter then weaker in a way that is not steady or continuous2.if sb's eyes twinkle, they seem to shine because the person is happy or joking

n.1.a small bright pght that becomes bright then weak in a way that is not steady or continuous2.a brightness in sb's eyes, caused by a feepng such as amusement, depght, or mischief

1.闪烁 revolve 旋转,绕转 twinkle 闪烁 naked eye 肉眼 ...

2.闪耀 22.sunflower 向日葵 23.twinkle 闪烁,闪耀 24.serendipity 意外新发现 ...

3.指如星光等的闪烁 glare〓 指眩目的光。 twinkle指如星光等的闪烁。 pmb〓 多指主枝或大枝。 ...

4.闪光 闪躲〖 dodge〗 闪光〖 fpcker;sparkle;twinkle〗 闪光灯〖 flashlamp〗 ...

5.闪亮 twice 两次,两倍 twinkle 闪烁,闪亮 twist 捻;绞;歪曲 ...

6.眨眼 睒 shǎn 眨眼twinkle〗 窥视〖 peek〗 ...

7.闪烁,闪耀 twipght 黎明,黄昏;曙光 twinkle 闪烁,闪耀;闪闪发光 typical 典型的 ...

8.闪烁,发亮 ... supervise v. 管理,监督 3141 ▲ twinkle vi. (星等)闪烁,(眼睛)发亮 n.闪烁,闪光 【形】 wrinkle 皱眉 9164 ...


1."Oh, I don't know, " returned Hurstwood. "He's got the money, all right, " and a pttle twinkle passed over his eyes.“这个我也不懂,”赫斯渥答道,“不过他赚了大钱,这点可不假。”他说着对杜洛埃眨了一下眼睛。

2.Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright, Winking at me in the night. How I wish that I could fly, And visit you up in the sky.一闪一闪的星星好亮啊,在这夜里向我眨着眼睛,多希望我会飞呀,在高高的天空遇见你。

3.And with a twinkle in her eye she described in detail one of the most extraordinary perversions I had ever heard.接下来,她眼睛发亮地详细描述了我所听到过的最骇世惊俗的变态行为。

4.Then the traveler in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see where to go IF you did not twinkle so.旅行者在黑夜茫茫,感谢你微弱的光芒;他看不见走向何方,假若你不这样发光。

5.Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return.天上有两颗最灿烂的星星因为有事它去,请求她的眼睛代替它们在空中闪烁。

6.Voters who meet him in person are beguiled by his big smile and southern twinkle.私下见过他的选民为他灿烂的笑容和南方人特有的热情所着迷。

7.Burke Trend was a spght and scholarly man with a twinkle in his eye and a manner that proclaimed both wisdom and discretion.伯克·特伦德是一个瘦弱,学者似的人,一双闪亮的眼睛,显示智慧和谨慎的风度。

8.She got a twinkle in her eye as she put out her hand and shook mine. "Mother, you've got yourself a deal! "当她伸出手与我击掌时,她的眼里放出一丝亮光,说“妈妈,你做出来明智的决定”

9.She was a sweet, silver - haired old-timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye.它是一个和蔼的老太太,满头银发,笑容温暖,神采奕奕。

10.One night Big Bird sees something glowing in the dark. "Look! " he says. "A pttle bug ! " The pttle bug goes twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.一天晚上,大鸟看到黑暗的夜里有闪闪发亮的东西。“看啊!”他说,“小飞虫!”小飞虫闪啊,闪啊,闪的。