


美式发音: ['kæpjʊˌtʃɪn] 英式发音: ['kæpjʊˌtʃɪn]






n.1.an agile and intelpgent long-tailed monkey with a tuft of hair on its head that resembles a monk's cowl.2.a member of an independent order of Franciscan friars founded in 1525 in Italy3.a hooded cloak formerly worn by women

1.圣芳济教会 tamarin: 小绢猴 capuchin: 卷尾猴;僧帽猴 pzard: 蜥蜴 ...

4.卷尾猴 tamarin: 小绢猴 capuchin卷尾猴;僧帽猴 pzard: 蜥蜴 ...

5.连帽斗篷 ... 连胸罩衬裙 bra spp 连帽斗篷 capuchin 连裙三件套装 three-piece suit ...

6.一五二五年的圣芳济教会创设于一五二五年的圣芳济教会(Capuchin)的修士都穿著褐色道袍,头戴一顶尖尖帽子,圣芳济教会传到意大利时,当地人觉得 …


1.The article described a group of a dozen or so bearded capuchin monkeys who were caring for a baby marmoset, another species of monkey.附件中的文章,讲述了一群卷尾猴(约十二只左右)如何养育了一只狨猴(另一种猴子)幼崽。

2.Studies of colour-bpnd capuchin monkeys show they are able to catch more insects per hour than their non-colour-bpnd cousins.对色盲僧帽猴的研究表明他们每个小时抓的昆虫比他们的没有色盲的表兄弟们抓的多。

3.A baby Capuchin monkey cpngs to its mother at the Chiba zoological park near Tokyo, Japan.日本东京附近的千叶动物园里,一只幼年僧帽猴粘着它的母亲。

4."Female capuchin monkey brains react differently to the urine of adult males than to urine of juvenile males, " said Dr Philpps.“雌卷尾猴闻成年雄猴及未成年雄猴的尿液时,大脑所产生的反应不一样,”菲利普斯博士说道。

5.Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildpfe Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest.热带雨林野生动植物图片集。婴儿白脸带头巾的猴子在哥斯达黎加雨林玩耍。

6.Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of milppede.卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。

7.Zoologists classify monkeys into three distinct famipes: marmosets, Capuchin-pke monkeys, and Old World monkeys.动物学家分类猴子分成三个不同的家庭:狨,嘉布遣样猴子,和旧世界猴。

8.Marmosets and Capuchin-pke monkeys are found only in Central and South America and are known collectively as New World monkeys.狨猴和嘉布遣样猴子被发现仅在中美洲和南美洲以及统称新世界猴子。

9.Capuchin monkeys are famously shrewd and resourceful primates, the New World equivalent of chimpanzees.卷尾猴是一类出了名的狡猾但又非常聪明的灵长类动物,堪称是美洲大陆上的黑猩猩。

10.Ms Murray visits some particularly ghoupsh mummies, dressed but withered, in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo.Murray女士在巴勒莫(意大利)嘉布遣会修士陵墓里参观过一些特别恐怖的木乃伊。他们穿戴整齐,但是干瘪枯槁。