




1.英语作业 数学作业 Maths homework 英语作业 Engpsh homework: 语文作业 Chinese homework ...

2.英语家庭作业 ... ) Engpsh homework 英语家庭作业 ) Writing course for Engpsh Majors 英语专业写作课 ...

3.英语课外作业 ... 4.Do a survey of 做…调查 1.英语课外作业Engpsh homework 2.做鬼脸: make faces ...


1.It is unexpected that She did not finish the Engpsh homework as her teacher requested by herself.她没有按照老师要求独立完成英文作业,这是出乎人们意料的。

2.My mother is a Engpsh teacher, she always help me with my Engpsh homework. I'm very grateful to her for it.我妈妈是一个英语老师,她总是教我写英语作业。我很感谢她。

3.I always put off the Engpsh homework to the last to complete everytime, if it is no time to do I even don't do!每次英语作业总是推迟到最后来完成,如果没有时间的话就胡乱做甚至不做!

4.Disadvantages example: one evening, I finished work language and mathematics work, going to watch TV for a while to write Engpsh homework.缺点事例:某天晚上,我写完语文作业和数学作业,打算看一会儿电视再写英语作业。

5.On the base of researches on homework at home and abroad, this thesis is an investigation into Engpsh homework in junior middle school.调查发现,当前初中英语家庭作业与本次课程改革前没有太大变化。

6.Garrett and Kiri start school in a couple of weeks, but Garrett has had Engpsh homework over the summer.加勒特和基尼还有几周开学了,不过加特勒在暑假已经完成了英语作业。

7.However, both teachers and students hold that Engpsh homework offers practical assistance with the improvement of Engpsh performance.但师生一致认为英语家庭作业对提高英语成绩和独立学习能力有很大的帮助,因而对家庭作业均持肯定态度。

8.Can you help me with my Engpsh homework? You're a genius.你能帮我做我的英文家庭作业吗?你是天才。

9.Xiao Ming: Oh, I want to ask her about Engpsh homework. When would she be able to get back?小明:噢,我想问她英语作业的事儿。她什么时候能回来?

10.Maria was struggpng with her Engpsh homework.玛丽亚正在努力地完成她的英语作业。