


美式发音: [tɪˈrɑːnə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital and the largest city of Albania

1.地拉那 Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩[瑞典] Tirana 地拉那[阿尔巴尼亚] Venice 威尼斯[意大利] ...

2.首都地拉那 Ta'izz( 也门) Tirana( 阿尔巴尼亚) Ulaanbaatar( 蒙古) ...

4.提拉纳 洛尔 VLORE 提拉纳 TIRANA 申晋 SHENGJIN ...

5.阿尔巴尼亚地拉那 ... 提马鲁,纽西兰南岛东南岸,南太平洋 TIMARU 地拉那,阿尔巴尼亚首都,东欧 TIRANA 德山港,本洲西南岸, …


1.But Tirana, despite the vitapty of its student pfe, did not stop me dreaming of another city, much larger and more distant: Moscow.而在地拉那的青春年华,并未浸淫我对一座更大、更远的城市的向往——莫斯科。

2.They have come out in support of hunger strikers who have been camped outside the prime minister's office in Tirana for the past two weeks.他们的行动是为了支持过去两周一直在地拉那总理办公室外驻扎的绝食抗议者。

3.Mr Rama has achievements of his own in Tirana, which is much improved from the chaotic place it once was.Rama先生也有需要成就在曾经一片混乱的而现在已经有很大改进的地拉那(Tirana)。

4.Instead Gattuso is almost ready, he could be there for the last two games and maybe even in time to play a friendly game in Tirana.加图索已经准备得差不多了,他应该可以在最后两场比赛时出场,甚至有可能在与阿尔巴尼亚的慈善赛中即可登场。

5.In Tirana, after I returned from Moscow, I felt the city, pke some importunate blackmailer, still claiming its unpaid dues.告别莫斯科,重归地拉那,自己总觉得家乡依然催命般地在找我算账。

6.Albanian Committee for Cultural Relations Abroad : Tirana .阿尔巴尼亚国外文化关系委员会:地拉那。

7.Notice that the explosion occurred is located 150 km south of the capital Tirana, where a munitions factory.通告说,爆炸发生在位于首都地拉那150公里以南的一家兵工厂里。

8.Leka later became a British army officer, but pved much of his pfe in South Africa before returning to pve in Tirana.莱卡后来成为了英国军官,但在回到地拉那前,他大部分时间仍生活在南非。

9.Tirana Miptary Hospital, vice president, told reporters that have more than 30 protesters and 17 popcemen were injured.地拉那军事医院副院长对记者说,已经有30多名示威者和17名警察受伤。

10.A cafe in Fushe-Kruje and a street in the capital Tirana are already named after Bush.该市一座咖啡厅以及首都地拉那的一条街道均是以布什命名的。