



n.血统, 血族


名词: bloodletter |





名词: bloodletter |



stem  nationality   bloodlinebloodlineD.J.:[ˈblʌdlain]K.K.:[ˈblʌdˌlaɪn]n.


见:blood: bloodline bloodline
an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, especially as considered with regard to the desirable characteristics bred into it
翻译:a set of ancestors or line of descent of a person, especially an important one


名词 bloodline:

the descendants of one individual

同义词:lineage, line, line of descent, descent, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stemma, stock

ancestry of a purebred animal



1. Ru sheep, Tong sheep, Small Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep were decreasingly affected by the bloodline of Mongolian sheep.


2. - By the time of the Great Sundering, military service for the night elves had become more a matter of bloodline than ability.

+ 在大灾变之前,暗夜精灵服兵役更看重的是血统而不是才干。几乎所有的高级军官都属于贵族阶层。

3. - The Sisterhood of Elune was one of the few major organizations to survive the war largely intact, and membership in its ranks had never been a matter of bloodline.

+ 艾露恩姐妹会是经历过战争还大体完整的少数组织之一,而且其成员的血统从来不是问题。

4. Like a red thread the blood of ‘Kleinen’ is to be found in almost every pigeon in the loft in the town of Dentergem and people all over the world were succesful with this bloodline.

Like的血液‘ Kleinen ‘是可以找到的几乎每一个鸽子在阁楼镇Dentergem和各地的人民都世界上是成功的这一血统。

5. the development of the Holy Bloodline hypothesis before the publication of Dan Brown's novel;


6. His son, Prince Kael'thas, is the only remaining survivor of the royal bloodline.


7. The LORD promises David that someone from his bloodline will be on the throne(宝座) of the church for ever.


8. Considering his feelings about bloodline, he might not take kindly to Harry's side of the argument.


9. They care their bloodline and social status very much.Therefore, they spend their lifetime in changing the situation.


10. His skill was bolstered by an affinity for the Force flowing through his bloodline.


11. However, a few dogs were saved in Moscow having an old purebred bloodline, offspring of the famous dog Leman, which are now considered very precious in breeding.

但是,一些被保留在莫斯科的具有古老纯正血系,作为著名的高加索Leman 的后代(上文提到的混血高加索),如今被认为是非常珍贵的血统来源。

12. Family balance: Family is the social unit that is based on marriage and bloodline relations.


13. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider was the last of the royal bloodline and a member of the Kirin Tor.He had been pursuing magical studies in Dalaran at the time of the Scourge invasion.

凯尔萨斯逐日者王子是仅存的皇室血脉以及肯瑞托的一员. 天灾入侵时他正在达拉然研习法术。

14. The results also indicate that a great proportion of gayal bloodline was invaded by other species, and the protection of gayal is facing a formidable situation.

同时还指出目前我国有相当比例的大额牛受到外来物种的入侵, 我国的大额牛保护工作正面临非常严峻的考验。

15. So I asked him what he thought of adoption, and he stared into space the way subway passengers stared out the window, and he said, “nah, I want kids of my own bloodline.


16. Extraterrestrial abductions are often reported in the same family - or bloodline - generation after generation.


17. In the aftermath of the demonic apocalypse, they have continued with their true purpose - maintaining watch over ancient relics of great power, and protecting the bloodline of man.


18. Far away from the city,the mountain area,which is not rich in resources, firmly aintaining a huge clan with the original bloodline and tradition.


19. If trading was the bloodline of Morgan Stanley, options were the heartbeat and the fervor of each day's flow seemed to center on our desk.


20. It is about tracing the source of my bloodline, its origins, and the background history that combines to my ethnicity and identity.


21. As far as he was concerned, moisture farming was the only life the Lars bloodline had ever known.


22. Does a working dog need to come from a working bloodline?


23. When his work“ Bloodline Series: Comrade No.120” sold for$979,000 at Sotheby's auction in March, many art insiders predicted the market had topped out and prices would plummet within months.


24. Being king is a bloodline, not a job in the CEO sense of the word.


25. Generosity and compassion are tenets that have been handed down the Naberrie bloodline for generations.


26. 9.I wanted to find a way to break the cycle and began to look at experimenting with outcrossing to a new bloodline to give our domestic gene pool a chance to refresh itself.


27. Confess that the sin of unbelief is broken from your bloodline.


28. The traditional Chinese intellectural's self-identity stresses on the relationship of patriarch, bloodline, and region.


29. The last monarch, King Anasterian, was slain by undead forces during the attack.His son, Prince Kael'thas, is the only remaining survivor of the royal bloodline.


30. Some people have these ridiculous idea that in a family, because the same bloodline flows through the body, they would naturally have the communication and cohesiveness.


31. With your death, so dies the oboro bloodline


32. But it wasn't until the 1970s that black voices began to flow freely through America's literary bloodline.


33. the principle of the bloodline of the paternal line


34. Valygar intends to fulfill his family's oath to find and destroy their ancestor, Lavok, and then he intends to let his cursed bloodline die out once and for all.


35. Due to the importance of the purity of the breed, the Bedouin system of "'desert breeding is an accepted authentic verification of the bloodline.

由于品种的纯净重要, 贝多因人系统 "'荒废的饲养是血统的一个一般承认真实确认。

36. Developed in collaboration with franchise mastermind Koji Igarashi (aka "IGA"), the game breathes new life into the Belmont family bloodline with fresh adventures, characters and perils.


37. Hunters who purportedly belong to the bloodline of Lucifer himself.


38. Rather different from my dogs in outlines because of the difference in bloodline, is one that the breeder kept until she decided to sell to China.


39. There is one big reason to be against queers and that is because every time some white boy is seduced by a queer into becoming a queer, it means his white bloodline has run out.


40. All age around 8 months old. i don't wanna say the bloodline to affect your judgement. thanks.


41. bloodline group marriage


42. " Sadly, widespread use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French bloodline.


43. When all goes to all, your bloodline is only ordinary and can not belong to the elite. The gold glitters.


44. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw would presumably side with Harry as well, since neither is said to have followed Slytherin when he left the school and their criteria for choosing students shows no prejudice regarding bloodline.


45. The sign of this covenant is the fact someone from David's bloodline had been on the throne ever since.Today it is Jesus Christ.We know David broke the covenant.


46. Such a gap owes principally to a deep-rooted concept in the majority of the Chinese people's mind that only boys can continue the family bloodline as well as inheriting family honor and property.


47. The quintessentially English event was intended as an opportunity for young girls to be presented at court where they might find a future husband from a suitable bloodline.


48. After you have selected your race the next thing is to select a bloodline and then gender. Each bloodline has a slightly different set of starting skills.


49. Selecting a bloodline and gender


50. It was not Matthew's intention simply to record the bloodline of Abraham and the house of David.Rather he wished to sum up the spiritual rise and fall of God's chosen people in Old Testament time.


51. All of our bloodline imported from Native Son Cattery, Seattle, USA.
