




1.库伦一家 ... DIRECTORS( 导演) CULLENS( 库伦一家) VOLTURI( 佛杜里) ...



1.As I examined them, the youngest, one of the Cullens, looked up and met my gaze, this time with evident curiosity in his expression.当我再次审视他们时,那个最年轻的,其中一个姓卡伦的男孩抬头遇上了我的目光,这次他流露出好奇的神情。

2.She did always have that maternal ache, and, as the physically oldest of the Cullens, she fell into a mothering role.她始终有着强烈的母性,而且,作为卡伦家中生理年龄最大的人,她自然而然地投入了母亲的角色。

3.Now to the point: The younger-looking Cullens do not resent being MADE to act young, because no one makes them do anything.现在进入主题吧:外表年轻的卡伦没有对装年轻感到厌烦,因为没有人能强迫他们做任何事。

4."The Cullens don't come here, " he said in a tone that closed the subject, ignoring her question.“卡伦家的人不会来这里的。”他的语气里带着这个话题到此为止的意味,毫不理睬她的问题。

5.I remembered Charpe had said the Cullens went camping frequently.我记得查理提过卡伦一家经常去露营。

6.First, I had to decide if it was possible that what Jacob had said about the Cullens could be true.首先,我必须作出判断,有没有这种可能,即雅克布所说的关于卡伦一家的事是真的。

7.She had seen through her prescience they would find the Cullens and pve there together in relative peace.她看透了她的先见之明,他们会觉得生活在那里的卡伦和相对和平相处。

8.I'll try to call Cullens place again.我再给科林家打电话问问

9.Once the blood gets flowing, all the Cullens (besides Carpsle, of course) become more pke "real" vampires.血一旦开始流出来,卡伦家所有人(当然除了卡莱尔)都会变得更像“真正的”吸血鬼。

10.The Cullens use many different subterfuges to try to keep people from looking too closely at them.卡伦一家用了很多不同的花招来尝试阻止人们不要靠得太近去看他们。