




1.饿虎狂龙 半支烟 Metade fumaca 饿虎狂龙= The good and the bad 斗气小神仙 Puppy love ...

2.好的和坏的 You broke through 你突破 The good and the bad 好的和坏的 And the things in between 之间的事 …

3.好处和坏处 Extroverted or Introverted 外向型 还是内向型 The good and the bad 好处和坏处 From Steady to Uber-Mobile 从稳定到迁 ...

4.有益胆固醇和有害胆固醇 ... Word quiz 词汇测试 The good and the bad 有益胆固醇和有害胆固醇 Interesting finding 有趣的发现 ...

5.范例与反例 ... 怎样写新闻稿 Press releases and how to write them 范例与反例 The good and the bad 实用小建议 Usethl tips ...

6.爱我的缺点和有电 ... The good and the bad 爱我的缺点和有电 First to the last 爱我从开始到结束 ...

7.爱我的好和坏 ... The good and the bad 爱我的好和坏 First to the last 爱我从开始到结束 ...


1.I don't think now that people can be divided into the good and the bad as though they were two separate races or creations.我不觉得人可以判然分成好坏两群,仿佛他们是截然不同的种族或造物。

2.Arguably, there is no such thing as wrong style, only a continuum between the good and the bad.不存在错误的样式,只有好与坏以及介于两者之间的样式,这是可以论证的。

3.The woman nobly said it could be worse: "People have to take everything in proportion and thank God for the good and the bad. "面对可能会变得更糟的情况,她洒脱地说:“人生总是有得有失。不论好坏,我们都要感谢上帝对我们的眷顾。”

4.But with the good and the bad being mixed up and developing unevenly , their images as a whole are not very good.但是,目前民办高校良莠难分,参差不齐,整体形象不佳。

5.A large percentage of recruiters 'Google' potential candidates to see what they can find out about them -- both the good and the bad.大部分的招聘人员会‘谷歌’一下潜在的候选者,看看他们能发现的有关候选者的信息——好坏兼收。

6.Far down within the dim West, the good and the bad and the worst and the best have gone to their eternal rest.在西方朦胧深处,善、恶、至恶、至善都已长眠。

7.We let people talk about the good and the bad, because people won't engage unless it's a real conversation.我们得让人们发表褒贬意见,因为人们是不会参与到一个不真实的对话之中的。

8.T- Take responsibipty for your actions, the good and the bad.对你的行为负责,无论是好的还是坏的。

9.Besides, the paper they chose was intermingled with the good and the bad, among which some were fragile or dropping.所选用纸张质量也良莠混杂、参差不齐,有的尽管保留到今天,但已经脆化或脱落。

10.THE MAKING OF A NATION explores the good and the bad in American history.节目会讲述美国历史的好与坏。