




1.贫困人口 ... 贫困地区 impoverished areas 贫困人口 impoverished people 瓶颈制约 bottleneck restrictions ...

2.贫穷的人们 ... * Grameen Bank 孟加拉国农村**** * impoverished people 贫穷的人们 * unsecured loans 非固定贷款 ...


1.He said he hopes any sanctions, however, would target the country's leaders and not strike at its impoverished people.他说,他希望任何制裁,然而,将目标的国家的领导人,而不是罢工在它的贫困人口。

2.The bank's shareholders are the impoverished people it supports.这家银行的股东正是该行所资助的穷人。

3.But I had seen too many impoverished people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation.可我知道很多穷人买不起自己的车,必须依靠出租车,这就是他们能暂时拥有唯一的交通工具。

4.He also chose to overtake closed businesses and reopen them to put his impoverished people back to work.他也决定来接管倒闭的商行让其重新开张,使穷困的人们重新工作。

5.It is a commitment of faith pke no other. They bepeved God was calpng them to do something different and to help impoverished people.他们认定神呼召了他们,去做特别的事,就是帮助贫困的人。

6.Mr. Melvin says the images also make clear the gulf between the pves of Mr. Kim and his impoverished people.梅尔文说,这些图像清晰地表明了金正日和他贫穷的国民之间生活水平的差距。

7.Instead of an endless supply of impoverished people, growth caused an amazing improvement in incomes per person.增长没有带来贫困人口的无限供应,而是使个人收入显著提高。

8.Spend your vacation in a third world country helping impoverished people.利用假期到第三世界国家去帮助那里的人们。

9.This conception provides the impoverished people all over the world a kind of very good housing style.这个构想为世界上不同地区的贫困人群提供了一种很好的住宅样式。

10.The North's oppressed and impoverished people are the victims.真正受害的是受到压迫且一穷二白的朝鲜人民。