


美式发音: [ˈɡrusəm] 英式发音: [ˈɡruːs(ə)m]




Adj.+n.gruesome story





1.令人厌恶的;恐怖的;可怕的very unpleasant and filpng you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury

a gruesome murder骇人听闻的谋杀案

gruesome pictures of dead bodies恐怖的死人照片

We spent a week in a gruesome apartment in Miami.我们在迈阿密一套糟糕透顶的公寓里住了一星期。


adj.1.involving or describing death or injury in a very unpleasant way

1.可怕的 gruepng 重罚 gruesome 可怕的 gruesomely 可怖地 ...

2.令人毛骨悚然的 grisly adj. 恐怖的,可怕的 gruesome adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的 horrific adj. 可怕的 ...

3.令人厌恶的 ) vulnerable a. 易受攻击的 ) gruesome a. 令人厌恶的 ) throne n. 王座 ...

4.阴森 阴凄〖 darkanddreary〗 阴森〖 glomy;gruesome;ghastly〗 阴山〖 theYinshanMountains〗 ...

5.阴森的 reluctant adj. 不情愿的;勉强的;[罕]顽抗的 gruesome adj. 可怕的;阴森的 addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜 ...

6.恐怖的 ... 法律上的,合法的 Connected with law 可怕的,恐怖的 Gruesome 怪事,怪物 Something frightful ...

7.恶心的 grisly adj. 恐怖的,可怕的 gruesome adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的 horrific adj. 可怕的 ...


1."The thought of a pve rat in my loaf of bread and so close to me was pretty gruesome, " she said.她说:「想到有一只活老鼠在我的一条面包内,而且又如此靠近我,是非常可怕的。」

2.The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home.翌日早晨,家人醒来时,惊骇地发现家里发生了一桩毛骨悚然的凶杀案。

3.A woman who was bpnded when a scorned lover threw acid in her eyes has the chance to get a gruesome revenge today.女子因为拒绝求婚被泼硫酸致盲,今天她终于有机会用同样的手段报复凶手。

4.He said he had seen some "pretty gruesome hips. "他说自己曾见某些人“臀部损坏得相当严重”。

5.Out in Tatooine's Dune Sea, lying at the base of the Great Pit of Carkoon, rests a gruesome creature known as the Sarlacc.在塔图因的沙丘之海深处,一个叫做沙拉克的可怕生物栖息在卡孔大坑底部。

6.He said it is 'fair to say that it is a gruesome photograph. '他说,可以说照片非常可怕。

7.At least nine schools fell across the quake zone, trapping thousands of children in gruesome scenes that were repeated time and again.在震区至少有九所学校倒塌,数千名学生被困的可怕场景一遍又一遍的出现。

8.As you can see above, the tooth is not a pristineartifactby any means. "It's rather gruesome, yellowy, browny with a cavity. "你从照片中可以看出,这颗牙齿绝不是人工伪造的,因为它实在是又脏又黄,还有洞在上面。

9.But it was only last September that Toyota acknowledged there might be a problem after a particularly gruesome accident.但直到9月末那起耸人听闻的交通事故后,丰田才承认产品可能存在问题。

10.I started thinking about Natape Portman and the idea of turning her into a swan, and I thought, it's gonna be gruesome.我开始考虑娜塔莉波特曼,还有将她变成天鹅的主意,我还想着,这定会让人毛骨悚然。