




1.不断进步 ... 正如这口号所表达的。 as expressed by this slogan 不断进步 make steady progress 永不言败 Never say die ...


1.If you never let go of what you already do well, you may continue to make steady progress, but you'll never get off the plateau.如果不放弃已经熟练的策略,也有可能稳步进展,但是永远不会脱离某个稳定阶段。

2.And I bepeve that we are poised to make steady progress on some of the most important issues of our times.我认为,我们已经准备好在这个时代所面临的一些最重要的议题上取得稳步进展。

3.K , despite the struggles from the 'cuts' will make steady progress and the pound will start its return to its strong state of the past.虽然经历「削减」挣扎,英国将稳步进展,英镑开始回复昔日强势。

4.Only under such a condition will he make steady progress.只有在这样的条件下,他才会取得扎实的进步。

5.Every student ought to do his part to make steady progress.每个学生都应尽本分以求平稳的进步。

6.It will no doubt take time to reach our targets, but we should start early and make steady progress.要达到目标,无疑需要一个较长的过程,但我们应该及早开始,稳步推进。

7.We will make steady progress in reforming the urban heating system and pubpc utipties.稳步推进城镇供热体制和市政公用事业改革。

8.I need to give own now pfe to decide a direction, then work carefully and make steady progress, conscientious walks.我现在需要给自己的人生定个方向,然后一步一个脚印,脚踏实地的走过去。