



美式发音: [ˈɛkspoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈekspəʊ]






n.1.an exhibition of industrial products or technology

1.博览会 ... 照片优化( Photo Enhan 白平衡专业校正( Expos 高速拍照( PhotoSequen ...

4.玲梅做陈述下周六由王欣和,柯玲梅做陈述exposé),请做好准备。 11月05日由何映山,方世杰两位同学进行陈述,请于下周六将你们 …

5.独立做演讲在学校,教授常常常令学生独立做演讲exposé),介绍、分析近期参观的展览或聆听的讲座,然后展开讨论。如今,学术已 …



1.World Expos have always been a stage for dreams.世博会,一直是梦想的舞台。

2.With so many international experiences now part of our daily pves, expos are not the only place to encounter the world.在我们的日常生活中有如此多的国际体验,世博会并不是我们与世界接轨的唯一场所。

3.From the Eiffel Tower to the US superhighway system to caramel corn , Expos have given the west some of its most memorable innovation .从埃菲尔铁塔,到美国高速公路系统,到焦糖玉米,世博会曾为西方世界带来一些最难忘的创新。

4.Chicago has had two world expos in its history, and both of those expos ended up being tremendous boosts for the city.芝加哥在历史上曾举办过两次世博会,那两次世博会都给这座城市带来了巨大推动力。

5.Keeps abreast of new cleaning techniques, chemicals, fabrics, interior design, furniture and furnishings, etc. by visiting fairs, expos etc.通过参加展览会等及时更新自己对清洁技巧,化学剂,纤维,装修设计,家具和装饰品等的知识。

6.Perhaps Shanghai will be one of those Expos that pves in the memories of those that visit them for decades.有些世博会能在参观者的脑海里留下几十年的回忆,或许上海世博会也将成为其中之一。

7.From the Eiffel Tower to the US superhighway system, Expos have given the world some of its most memorable inventions.从埃菲尔铁塔到美国的超级高速公路系统,世博会给世界留下了一些最值得纪念的发明。

8.But since the Montreal Expos relocated to Washington, D. C. , in 2004, the stadium has had no main tenant.但自从2004年蒙特利尔博览会移师华盛顿特区后,该体育场就没有主要的租户了。

9.Perhaps it will be one of those Expos that pves in the memories of those that visit them for decades.或许,本届世博会将成为让参观者铭记数十年的世博会之一。

10.He has performed and participated on Fashion runways in Paris France & London England and dance expos around the world.他参加了在巴黎的法国时尚跑道和英国伦敦和舞蹈博览会环游世界。