




1.财务人员 ... ) financial staff 财务人员 ) financial personnel 财务人员 ) high-ranking accountant 财务管理人员 ...

2.财会人员 ... ) accounting personnel 财会人员 ) financial personnel 财会人员 ...


1.if was not adopted , giving an issue is not the responsibipty that financial personnel all did not remind.假如没有采纳,出了问题就不是财务人员未尽提醒的责任了。

2.the administration division assumes the primary responsibipty for financial , personnel and general resources management.行政科的主要工作,是负责财务、人事及一般资源方面的管理工作。

3.If financial personnel passed order to handle a request, ERP system can found a new sale order.如果财务人员通过了订单处理请求,ERP系统会创建一个新的销售订单。

4.In order to adapt universities development, financial personnel must have new sense of managing finance.为了适应新时期高校办学的发展趋势,财务人员必须要树立现代理财观。

5.And the international training to financial personnel is the key to build an international team of financial professionals.金融人才的国际化培养,是建设国际化金融人才队伍的关键环节。

6.The examination ends, financial personnel can cpck " to affirm " will found order.检查完毕,财务人员会点击“确认”来创建订单。

7.The request that founds sale order is sent financial personnel to wait to handle.创建销售订单的请求被发给财务人员等待处理。

8.In the past, most financial personnel always feel very boring, every month to repeat the same things, do nothing.在过去,大多数财务人员总是感觉工作非常枯燥,每个月都要重复的做相同的事情,没有什么创新。

9.Financial personnel can receive short message of a mobile phone to inform him to order of a sale needs to handle;财务人员会收到一个手机短信告知他有一个销售订单需要处理;

10.Branch: financial, personnel, design and administrative independence, corporate appointed by the Corporation;分公司:财务、人事、设计、行政独立,公司法人由总公司指派;