




1.散步 014 租房 Apartment Hunting 015 散步 Taking a Walk 016 拜访 Paying a Visit ...

2.漫步 Romantic Dinner 浪漫晚餐………………………68 Taking a Walk 漫步………………………………74 Speak with Romantic …

3.其中散步 I'm all alone in that white wonderland 白色仙境,独自一人 taking a walk 散步着 there's no one to talk 无人回应 ...

5.想不想去散步 ... Do you feel pke a walk/taking a walk? 想不想去散步? v. use violence in a battle;quarrel 与……打仗;战斗,奋斗 ...

6.一次漫步来回 ... taking a walk 一次漫步来回 there's no one to talk 没有人能作陪 ...

7.漫步其间 Taking a walk ­ 漫步其间 There's no one to talk 无人畅谈 ...

8.踽踽独行 taking a walk 踽踽独行 there's no one to talk 无人倾诉 ...


1.A rich gentleman taking a walk over his estate before breakfast came face to face with a poor man whom he did not know.一个富有的乡绅早饭前出去,在他所拥有的庄园里散步,迎面碰到一个他不认识的穷人。

2.A guy is taking a walk and sees a frog on the side of the road. As he comes closer, the frog starts to talk.一个男子在散步的时候看到路边有一只青蛙。他走近青蛙,青蛙居然开始说话。

3.Just over a year ago, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were reportedly spotted taking a walk together in Palo Alto.就在一年前,有报道称看见史蒂夫•乔布斯和马克•扎克伯格在帕洛阿尔托一起散步。

4.It would be a real pity if you visit Shanghai without taking a walk in its alleyways.要是一个人到了上海而没有去上海的弄堂走一走,应该要觉得很遗憾。

5.An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.他和他夫人散步时突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。

6.So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she hammered anvil exactly where the fly had stayed.于是,第二天早上他到楼顶花园散步时,她把一枚钉子钉在了苍蝇停过的地方。

7.idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.他和他夫人散布时突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。

8.Riding a bike, taking a walk, playing a game, pstening to music, or just doing nothing for a while can give kids some much-needed downtime.骑骑自行车,散散步,打场比赛,听听音乐,或者呆在那一会儿什么也不做,就会给你的孩子极需要的放松。

9.My mom said that she saw you and your wife taking a walk along the river.我妈妈说,她看见你和你的老婆在河边散步。

10.It was sunny, and me too. As having taking a walk with Mama, Mama said: " Wang Ji-xiang, your hair is long so much. You should be made it. "今天阳光明媚,我的心情也蛮好,早上刚散完步,妈妈说:“旺吉祥宝宝,你看你的发发很长了,得去修理修理啰。”